Saturday, December 1, 2007

Random Thoughts 7

Hey! As most of you know. I'm leaving in 19 days. It is now December 1, 2007. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. First thing I know is that it's January 1, 2007 and now it's december. Anyways... I've been talkin to someone for a long time and they left me an offline message saying "sorry about the ciao Bella thing, I hadn’t even realized, sorry. Don’t worry about the blog thing, its cool it’s just not something I had expected and you took me a bit by surprise. Whatever happens stay the way you are, you’re a lovely girl and it’s a shame you don’t live a little closer" That makes me wonder about a lot of things. Like for instance about me getting married. I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have gotten married and followed my heart to the full extent. I don't know what to do now. Only because now I know how someone really feels about me even though he tells me all the time that he doesn't really care about me the same way. Anyways... I don't plan on changing anytime soon. I will always be me. If I do change a little bit hopefully it will be for the better. Too all of my friends, I will definatally keep in touch. ~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

thats right Fi, You should alway sbe yourself no matter what. Even if being you may seem like the wrong thing at the time, if you be true to who you are then everything will turn out in the end. Love ya lots