Monday, December 3, 2007

Random Thoughts 10

Hey! To everyone that reads my blog. Yes I think that it's awsome that I'm going to be home for Christmas. Thank you for all of the comments that you have left. I told everyone that they were going to get a kick out of what I posted last. Some of you were like OMG! But then you got it, and it's hilarious.
Anyways, I got the best Christmas present that I could have asked for. I found out that one of my friends really does care about me. I know that my family cares a lot about me too. And I'm greatful for that. I really am. I think thats the best thing that you could ever get for christmas is knowing that someone really does care about you. I know that all of my other friends care about me but this is a different kind of feeling. I guess that I have a lot of thinking to do.
Anyways, I asked one of my friends if they thought that I was obsessed with one of my other friends. They told me no, that I was just trying to fill a void in my life. Maybe they're right. Maybe I just had a really bad judge of charater. Maybe I just have to figure out what I really want in life. I don't know. I know that I love my husband to death but I also know that I really care about my other friend(the one that told me that they do care about me). I know that I love my husband to death but sometimes I don't trust him. Is that a problem? I don't know. Maybe it is. I know that he'll be home in 17 days and whatever but sometimes I just can't believe anything that he says. I think that that's a really big problem too. Maybe it's not my husband that I don't trust. Maybe it's just his family. I don't know.
If anyone has any imput on this please feel free to leave a comment.

1 comment:

wubba said...

1. I get to be the first to comment...yay!!!
2. I'm pretty sure it's not your husband that you don't trust...he is not a product of that other family, remember who really raised him.
3. This "other friend" lives very far away.
4. It's nice that you have an online friend to help you pass the time while your husband is gone, and it's kind of cool that he's "teaching" you, but remember that you made a commitment to your husband.
5. I know the "other friend" reads this blog, and I have something to say that he probably won't like very much: Most guys online aren't really looking for friends, they're looking for someone to mess around with. Not a dig on your friend specifically, but something to think about.
6. In 17 days, you will remember again all the reasons you love your husband and married him in the first place. Don't make the same mistakes twice.

Love, Me