Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Random Thoughts 12

Hey! I got a big suprose today. I had called my husband and left him a message on his phone and not even an hour later he called me. I wasn't expecting to hear from him until at least friday. He called me and told me that he wasn't suppose to be on his phone but he wanted to hear my voice before he went to sleep. Isn't that cute? As most of you know, I will be home for the holidays this year. I found out yesterday that I am leaving on one of my friends birthdays. I feel really bad about it but I can't do anything about it.
My husband had also informed me that we might have to find our own appartment to the place that were going. I'm not too thrilled about this. If we do have to find our own place it's going to be a nice place thats close to the beach, hopefully. I'm going to make sure that we can have pets in the house too. That is something that I really want. I have a cat and I want her to come with me to where I'm going.
I can't wait until the holidays are over. No more stress about the holidays. It will be where am I going to live? Not really a good sign. I will find out more when I talk to my husband again.
~hearts~ me

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