Thursday, November 29, 2007

Random Thought 6

Hey! I know that I haven't posted in a while but my husband had come home for thanksgiving. As most of you know, He already left again. But in 21 more days we will be together again, and this time I finally get to go with him. I'm just glad that I have friends and family to help me get through all of the hard times. I'm thankful for that. I know that thanksgiving is over but there are so many things that I am thankful for. I don't know how I will show all of it but sooner or later I will. Hopefully. I hope that everyone has a good christmas and New Years. Whats everyones New Years resultion this year? Mine is to lost a lot of weight and have a happy time with my family. I guess thats it for now. laters. ~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

Im gonna miss you so much!!!!! keep in contact okay!!!???