Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Random thoughts 102

Well been a while since i posted last. I can't believe that my son will be a year old next month. He's trying to walk and talk. My husband is back from the field. Who knows where he's going to end up these days. I asked myself a question that I knew no one else could help me answer. So I thought about it for a while, then I came up with the answer. The question was: Would I still be happy with my life if I would have never met my husband? The answer is no. The reason why is because I think that I would still be looking for something more in my life that I had. I know that I would have at least tried harder in college but at the same time I would be looking for someone to hang out with and make them fall in love with me. I probably would have gotten married to the first person that asked me. That never would have been a good thing. My marriage would have failed and I would have been divorced in six months. But luckly i found my husband who loves me for me and thats all that really counts. So to all those out there reading, please don't just say yes to any rand0m guy that askes u to marry him. You never know what could happen. Date someone for a while then think about getting married. Believe me I know from past experiance. But I think thats all for now.

~hearts~ me

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Random Thoughts 101

Just dropping in to say hey. Haven't written in a while. Well I finally turned 20. I can't believe it. Only one more year and I can legally drink. Thats the only good part of turning 21. My roommates are finally moving out in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait for that one. Then I'll be moving everything around. My husband is gone. He'll be home in december. Only another couple of months. Well less than that now. It just depends on when he comes home. 59 days if he comes home december 21. Less than that if he comes home on the 19th. I'm looking forward to it. My son is now 5 months old and weighs 14 pounds 10 ounces. He has doubled his birth weight. He has two teeth in. I love my son, miss my husband and is hoping for the best.

~hearts~ me

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RandomThoughts 100

My 100th post. I can't believe it. Well not a whole lot has been going on. Just getting ready for my husband to leave and for my birthday. My son is doing great. He's learning how to crawl. It seems like just a month a go I was trying to figure everything out. Everything is going good though. I can't believe that I'm turning 20 this year. It's been a hell of a year though. I finished out my semester in college, I had a baby, I moved over 600 miles away from my family. Now my husband is leaving for three months and I have no idea of what the rest of the year will bring. I can't believe how fast it went though. I'm in shock just thinking about it now. Hope that everyone is doing okay. Just remember keep looking on the positive side of life and everything will be good.

~hearts~ me

Friday, July 3, 2009

Random Thoughts 99

Hey! Well I'm finally with my husband and we're getting along okay. We've had our ups and downs already but for the most part everything is working out okay. Still trying to get use to the changes. It's been hard. I miss my hometown, but I know that I'll get to see everyone in a month or so. Still working on unpacking everything and getting everything done. We have almost everything for our apartment finally. Still working on getting some stuff. It's just a long process. My son is really liking it here. I guess. He's doing well. He has a doctors appointment on July 17th. Not really looking forward to going but he's gotta get it done. I finally figured out that the drivers around here are crazy!! like seriously. I thought that driving around my hometown was bad... that was nothing compared to down here. Anyways... gotta get some more house work done.

~hearts~ me

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Random Thoughts 98

Well, not a whole lot has been going on but I figure this might be my last post for a while. I'm leaving my hometown in 6 days. I don't know when I'm going to be able to post on here again. Hopfully I'll be able to sometime soon but I doubt it. I have a lot of running around to do with in the next 6 days. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I know that I gotta get it all done though. Anywho... my son is doing okay. I'm doing okay too. I just got a lot of stuff on my plate right now. I'm still in the middle of packing my stuff. I gotta hang out with some friends. I don't really know what else I have to do right now. It's just going to be a long week. Then after that I have a 12 hour drive to my new home. I'm looking forward to getting there. I'll finally get to be with my husband. I think thats why we've had so many problems before but we worked everything out and we're finally going to be a family. I'm looking forward to that. I think I'm gunna go now.

~hearts~ me

Monday, June 8, 2009

Random Thoughts 97

Hey! Just droppin in to say hey. I finally had my baby. He was 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 inches long. His name is Rylen Mathew. He is now almost 3 weeks old. I can't believe how fast time is going by. I can't wait until the 21st of this month. I'm outta here. I finally will have my own place and will be with my husband. It's only taken 2 years for that to happen... but anyways... not a whole lot has happened since I last posted. I finally got outta school but I miss all of my friends. I can't wait for another week though.

~hearts~ me

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Thoughts 96

Hey! Just droppin in again to say hey. I'm just waiting for class to start. I still have another half hour until then. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant. A lot has gone on in the last couple of weeks, but it's not really something I want to post on here anyways. Well I've had a nervous break down, for personal reasons. Then I've come to school and had another breakdown. I blew up at a couple of people. Yea... being pregnant sucks!! But anyways....I don't really have a whole lot to say today. So I think that I'm gunna go.

~hearts~ me