Saturday, December 22, 2007

Random Thoughts 18

Hey! I know that I said that my last post was going to be the last one for a while but as somethings turned out I was wrong. I'm stuck in NY for another couple of weeks. Oh well. This way I get to spend my last Christmas at home with my family. Not all of my family but the ones that are really important to me. Most of my friends that went to college are home now. I'm having a blast with everyone. I'm glad that I didn't leave when I was suppose too only because I'm glad that I get to spend time with all of my friends. They are on a quest at the moment and it's a very weird one. I can tell you all that now. I think that it's kind of amusing. But anyways... I hope that everyone has a good holiday. I'm glad that I get to spend it with my family. I'm not too happy about not getting to spend the holidays with my husband. As a friend of mine said, shit happens when you party naked. Is that not the best saying that you've heard? I think that it's awesome and it's so true if you really think about it. anyways... good mood. g2g.

~hearts~ Me

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