Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Thoughts 16

As most of you can figure out I haven't written in a while. The reason that is, is because I got really sick. I had a sinus infection. I couldn't really move and I couldn't really do anything. It hurt just to move around. I'm feeling better now. I'm glad that I'm feeling better. I'm working on getting completely rid of this. I feel better enough to move around and get stuff done. I packed my room today. It's a lot of hard work but it's getting done. I was going to do it a while a go but I ended up getting sick and I couldn't really do anything like I said before.
I can't wait until the holidays. I miss all of my friends. Everyone of them is getting a christmas present from me. At least I think that I got everyone. I'll figure that out when christmas gets here. anyways... can't wait to see everyone.

~hearts~ me

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