Monday, December 10, 2007

One Very PISSED Off Chick

Hey! Have you ever gotten an offline message from someone that really pissed u off? I just got 2 of them from my husbands dads girlfriend. Here is what they say: suzette frederick (12/7/2007 8:58:51 AM): why did u take me off jonnys emailin address so did u tell him u have a boyfrien in ohioX-(
panda14760 (12/10/2007 1:25:18 PM): u no i was just tellin u what i was told and i also jonny the same thng and ur the one whos pissed off at the world i tried nothin but ur friend and look at the way u treat me andn jon u shit on us. then turn around and keep jonny away from his own familyso as far as im concerned ur nothin but a hore in my book.

Which none of what she said is true. And if she feels that way about me fine. I don't really care but she needs to stay the hell out of my husband and I's business. I don't give a shit about his family anymore. I tried to be nice to them. Well I'm done with that. His whole family wants to cause problems between us. They think oh well they're really happy and I'm not so I'm going to screw up thier life. I don't fuckin think so. I'm done with all of this shit. I'm ready to go live with my husband and get outta here and not deal with that stupid fuckin bitch anymore. I'm done with it all. When my husband calls me again I'm telling him everything. I don't care anymore. He's gunna be pissed too. I'm just done with all the 4 year old shit. It needs to end. Like now. I'm done.

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