Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Random Thoughts 11

Hey! So I talked to my online friend again today. We have come to an agreement that me getting married was my choice and that they are happy for me. They do not want to lose me as a friend. I think that if they were looking for something more than just a friendship they would have tried something 7 years ago. They didn't try anything then, I don't think that they would try anything now. They give me their honest opinion on stuff and I appreciate it. I don't think that they would try anything stupid. I have a family who will protect me if they try to hurt me in anyway. They don't know where I live. I don't think that they will try and hurt me becasue I am married and they do respect that. There is a 6 year age difference between us. They may care about me but they have told me that the physical attraction isn't there. They also told me that they don't want to risk a friendship that has been built over a 7 year spand.
My husband will be home in 16 days. I'm going to tell him everything that has been going on. I don't want to tell him over the phone because it will just cause more problems between us. Not something I want for the holidays. So I figure if we talk when he gets home that we can just work it all out that way. I don't want anyone to be there when this conversation happens. I just want it to be me and my husband. Because we can not keep running to our parents over every little detail. We are growing up. It may not seem like it but we are. We are going to have to face some of the hard facts of life. But we will have each other to do it with. I know that I don't have to go about all of this alone but I would like too. Because I know sooner or later that I'm going to have to do it on my own anyways.
Thanks for the comments.
~hearts~ ME

1 comment:

wubba said...

Not exactly sure what you're going to tell your husband, but the online friendship IS NOT something he needs to know about. Contrary to what some people may think, it is ok to keep a few secrets from your husband.