Thursday, November 15, 2007

Random Thoughts 3

Hey! I'm in a really good mood tonight even though I didn't hear from my husband, but it's all good. I made this kick ass dinner tonight. Who ever thought that maple and pork would go together. I never thought about it. But I'm tellin ya it's so good. If anyone wants the recipe I have it. I mean it's a really kick ass dinner. I thought that it was going to be discuting but it was really good, and it's so easy to make. but anyways... my husband comes home in 5 days. I'm excited. I can't wait to see him. I'm pretty sure all of you are getting sick of hearing about it but I don't care. My real friends probably won't care either. I can't wait until the holidays are here. That way they can get over faster. But the only sucky thing is that my husband has to leave again after the holidays. but thats okay. nothing can get me down right. I love everyone for what they are doing. Even if I don't agree with it. but hey everyone makes mistakes. They get over it. But yea. now I'm just rambling on about stupid stuff. love ya all.


Mack said...

did you know that everyone else knew that maple and ham go together? Cause everyone else does. lol. I'm so gonna pick on you about that when I come home, and by the way I have a few gifts for you, so be ready.

Heather said...

Hi!!!!! I'm coming home on Tuesday. Beth and I are gonna get together and we do too!!! I miss you and your beautiful face!!!! (By the way, what's all this about "real friends?" you've said it at least 9 times in the last 5 posts?) I miss you!!! Hearts,