Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Random Thoughts

Hey! has any one ever told you that you have a bad habbit of some sort? I've been told that. My bad habbit is that I smoke. But face it when I get stressed out I smoke and it keeps me from throwing things. Some people do that and it irriates me. But hey whatever gets your frusterations out. I guess that everyone is different. Some people smoke others deal with it a different way. Anyways.... As everyone knows I'm married now. I'm pretty wrapped up in it, but my family will always come first. No matter what. I don't really care what anyone else thinks of me anymore. The only thing I have to worry about now is what my husband thinks of me and of what my family thinks of me. I mean yea I have friends but they could call me fat and I could just say yea I know I am and I don't really care. I mean yea I've been trying to lose weight but it's not that easy. Some people tell me that I'm not but whatever thats their opinon. Not mine. Yes I would like my friends to be honest with me but not to the point of it will start a fight. I hope that all of my friends understand that and don't get mad at reading this. Anyways... 7 days until I see my husband. I can't wait. anyways.... just rambling on again. Stupid thoughts. Can't get away from them.

1 comment:

Mack said...

wow, your blog sounds exactly like you. And its great that you don't care, but your real friends would never call you fat cause your not. So whoever called you that can kiss my ass cause they're wrong.