Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Thoughts 5

Hey! My husband is coming home tomorrow. As most of you know. I can't wait. Has anyone ever been stood up by someone? I know that I have. I was talking to a friend of mine today and he ended up getting stood up. I kinda feel bad for him, but I did find something else out tonight. I started calling him my teddy bear like 7 years ago and some other girl started calling him that but I was the one that started it all. Which made me happy. He's the second love of my life. He's been there for me through most of my life. Like I said before we've been friends for 7 years. I still can't believe that it's been that long but it's as long as I've known my husband for too. My husband is the first love of my life, just to all of those wondering. I have a feeling that if I never met my husband that I would have ended up marrying the second love of my life and if your reading this I mean it. Don't take any affence to it. I hope that you don't stop talking to me because of what I just said. Anyways.... for the rest of my friends reading this PLEASE don't tell my husband about this. I've kept it secret from him. I know thats not how a relationship should work I just haven't gotten around to telling him yet. I will just give me some time. My day was pretty good as most of you can tell. I mean I've been pretty stressed out lately but since I talked to my friend(not metioning names), my day has gotten better, and I'm not so stressed out anymore. I thought that I was going to end up losing a good friend today because I was being witchy(the nice version). But we ended up talking and made it good. Anyways... I hope that everyone has a good turkey day and a good holiday. love ya lots.

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