Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Random Thoughts 2

Hey! I'm so glad that I have friends. I mean a friend of mine from england is giving me a lesson on my heiritage. Only because he's like a superwiz. But it's cool. And to all of my friends that are in college, i'm so glad that we're friends. It just disappoints me that I'm leaving in a month. I hope that I will get to see everyone before I go. And when I find out where I'm gunna be I'm gunna e-mail all of you guys and give u my address. Or else I'll call you. which ever is easier. I'm in a good mood tonight if u all can't tell. I'm not sure why though. Maybe it's because I'm learning about my heiratiage and that I finally know what real friends I have. My husband will be home on tuesday. which is 6 days away. I'm so excited. So too all of my friends out there don't try and see me on tuesday. I'm gunna be with my husband and most of u know what that means. But I'm definatally getting everyone something for christmas. Everyone is going to get thier christmas presents early though only because I'm not going to be here for christmas. anyways... love ya. ciao for now

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