Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hey people! my husbands comin home in 7 days. What a trip this has been. Everytime he leaves a bunch of shit starts then it's right before he comes home again that it all starts all over again. But that was when I was living with my in-laws. Not a whole lot has happened to me since then. Except for the fact of my dad acctually was talkin to me again. I haven't heard from him since June. The day I graduated from High School. Then before that, I don't know how long it had been. Thats pretty sad if you ask me. But thats okay because I have other people in my life that I know care about me. I mean somedays I feel like no one wants me but then it changes, because I start talkin to someone and they agree with me about almost everything. So I thought that its a good thing. Just to let everyone know, I'm not going to be around for christmas. My husband and I finally figured out what we were doing. Well more my husband than me but still. I just can't wait until he comes home. I miss him. But now I'm just rambling on about stuff, so I'm gunna go.

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