Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's been Hard

Hey everyone! As most of you know. My husband had come home and left again. I can't wait until he comes home again. I really miss him. He's only gone until christmas this time but it's still hard to get everything done with him gone. It's hard to deal with some stuff because he's gone. But watch when he comes home again everything will be fine and dandy. Being married isn't all peaches and cream though. Don't ever let someone tell you that it is. I found out the hard way, even though people tried to tell me that it was going to be hard. If everyone knows me they know that I didn't listen to that and I like to find things out the hard way. Its going to be hard though when I move away from everyone. But I have to start my own life now. I have excepted that so far. Today it snowed for the first time since last year. I hate the cold. I don't know about everyone else but I know that I hate the cold. Anyways... everyone have a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.