Saturday, November 17, 2007

Random Thoughts 4

Hey! Not a whole lot going on here. So this is just something for me to ramble on again. My life has been pretty boring. I can't wait until Christmas. I'm leaving. Maybe for good, maybe not. I don't really know. But anyways... 3 days and my husband is home. Yes, I'm still counting down days. He'll be home on tuesday. I can't wait. I'm getting everyone a chistmas gift. I don't care what anyone says. I just can't wait until he comes home. I miss him as most of you know already. Anyways... I've been listening to a song lately, and it reminds me of why I have all of my friends and it also reminds me of all the memories that I have with them. I hope that everyone has a great holiday. Even if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, or christmas. It doesn't matter. Everyone celebrates something different. Anyways... can't really think of anything else to say. love ya all.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Hey Fi, I'm glad he's coming home soon! And hey, what song have you been listening to?