Saturday, November 10, 2007


As most of you know the holidays are coming up quick. I mean my husband is coming home in 10 days. I can't wait for that. I miss him so much. I caught myself bawling the other day. Thats how much I miss him. I mean don't get me wrong I miss all of my friends too. I can't wait to see at least part of them. I know that I can't see all of them. I keep trying but it's not working very well. I mean some of us keep in touch through e-mail and what ever, but thats ways off subject. Back to the holidays. Thanksgiving is coming. What is everyone thankful for this year? This year I'm thankful for everyone that helped me through the hard times and everyone that is still helping me through it all. I'm thankful for my husband being able to come home and I'm thankful for all of my friends that are okay and still alive. After thanksgiving comes christmas. the biggest holiday in America. I don't know about the rest of the world but I know that in america it's about getting gifts for everyone and spending time with your family. Which some people don't get to do. Some people don't celebrate christmas. They celebrate something else. which is cool because they get to spend time with family and everyone gets to see how they should act as a family.

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