Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Random Thoughts 73

Hey! I don't really have a lot to talk about. I want to do some research but I have no idea what to research. If you have any ideas then let me know. I don't care if it will only take me an hour or 3 days. I don't care how long it will take me. I just need something to do. I feel like my life is way pathetic. The reason I feel this way is because all I ever do now is stay at home or go babysit. What an exciting life.... ~rolls eyes~ Oh, I do have some news though. I have now offically been married for one year. Since monday. And tuesday was my one year of being out of high school. I can't believe that it's been that long already. My husband is leaving for california in like 2 weeks so I'm not going to get to talk to him. I don't think. Then he'll be home for 2 weeks in august and then after he goes back to where he's at now he leaves for Iraq. I have a lot on my plate right now. I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle him leaving. I guess that I'll deal though. And lastly, I'm helping my brother write a book. It's called Powerful Epiphany. I wonder how that will turn out?!

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

wubba said...

If you'd like something to research, maybe you should look and find out what it takes to become a lawyer? Look for colleges, expected income, the boards, anything you can think of. While you're at it, maybe you should look at going to JCC too!