Thursday, June 19, 2008

Random Thoughts 71

Hey! Just figured I'd drop in and say hey. I can't believe that everyone is almost done with school now. I can't believe that monday is my one year anniversary for being married. Like seriously where does time go? I don't know. But anyways... this weekend I went to a wedding. My father-in-law finally got married. It was boring until later that night. I did the stupidest thing ever. Like seriously. I drank until I puked. Not the smartest thing I ever did. the good news though, I only puked in my purse. Bad news, I ruined everything in there. I finally said forget it, I don't want this stuff anymore. At least I didn't have anything real important in there. It just sucked. I never want to drink that much again. I didn't even really want to get wasted. But then someone asked me to get wasted with them and I said yes. Stupidest think I could have done. But at least I learned that now instead of later when I could be drinking and end up pukingh while I was sleeping and choke on it. Right? Yea. I thought so. But anyways... g2g

~hearts~ me

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