Thursday, June 12, 2008

Random Thoughts 70

Hey! Just droppin another line. and for the person that left a comment on my random thoughts 69 blog i've only been out of work for like 3 weeks. it'll be 3 weeks this monday. ha ha ha. love ya lots though. Anywho.... has any one ever thought something then it backfired on them? Well I just had that happen to me. I was kinda dating someone but I figured that it was over for a while. and as most of you know i'm bisexual so i wasn't cheating on my husband he knew about it. but anyways.... I figured maybe they would still have feelings for me. I was wrong. I guess that i was just hoping that they would still have feelings for me. I don't know. Life goes on I guess. I've made it this far without that person so hopefully I can keep living my life without that person in my life again. I wish her the best of luck though. but anyways.... thats my bad news for today. Hope that no one else is going to be having a pretty good day. I know that my day will get better later. I guess that I'm going to end my blog here. I will post more later or something. And hpefully I will get the powercord to my laptop again so I will be posting my stories again.

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Because The Rain Hides Tears said...

sry about it not working out. i hope your day did get better ^_^ but like you said "cest la vie" ("thats life", if you dont know) and life goes on ^^ still though sry it didnt work out