Sunday, June 22, 2008


Once it had all seemed so normal, that was the premise of the life that I had grown to know. I can’t say I was happy with it, but now thinking back at it, I think that I was happier then. If only there was one chance that I could go back and change it. Would I take the chance or would I let it slide right past me? I wonder this kind of thing everyday. I’m still not sure what’s happened other than the fact that I have this irreversible ability that no one can explain. Even the person that had given me the powers that I now posses, I suppose the powers have exceeded what he had wanted to give me. I wasn’t too sure about anything anymore. I tried for weeks to figure everything out. I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that. So I’m just going on everyday like nothing ever happened to me. Except that I know in my head that something did happen to me. It doesn’t make me happy but I know that I have to deal with it. My friends even think that I have gone all weird. So I finally told them that I was leaving school to go find myself. I told them that I would write to them every day. They were not too happy with my decision, but I knew what I had to do. I had to figure out how to mange these powers and live life everyday. Without hurting someone in the process.
So I set out in my journey to “find myself”. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to be looking for or if I would be able too control these powers without hurting someone. So I thought to myself, Well maybe I can find a place where no one lives. Then I thought to myself, is there such a place? I wasn’t sure but I was going to find out.
I finally found a place where I would be left alone and no one would bother me. It took a couple of days but I finally found the place. I was in a place that everyone knew of but no one would come. They all said that this place was hunted or something. Whatever. Why believe in something that you know isn’t really true? Right?
So I sat down and started concentrating on my powers to see if I could control them. It didn’t really work. I wasn’t focused enough too be able to control them. I finally gave up and wrote to my friends. I told them that I was in a nice place with a lot of people to help me “find myself”. When really I was only like 12 blocks from them. So I put my letters in the mail. Then I sat down and tried to concentrate again. Something was really bugging me though. I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I went back and tried to figure it out. Then someone said behind me, “what are you doing here?” I thought that I was going to jump right out of my skin. I didn’t know that anyone was right behind me. So I turned around to see who was behind me and when I turned around I wasn’t expecting what I saw. It was a ghost. I didn’t think that the stories were true but they were. Then I remembered “oh yea, they asked me a question. I should probably answer them.” So I told the ghost that I was there because I was trying to find myself. Like I had told my friends. He introduced himself to me. His name was Lewis. I told him my name was Christian.
Then he told me that he knew why I was really there. He knew that I had special powers. I was freaked out by him knowing this. Then he told me that he was there to help me figure out what I wanted to know. I didn’t know how to go at this. So I just nodded. I was speechless.
Lewis just told me that he knew that he was suppose to follow me around and see how far I got on controlling my powers, and as far as he was concerned I didn’t get very far. He was right. I didn’t get very far. I just ignored them until they got too bad. Then I decided that I had to get away from people and make it so that I could control them. So then afterwards I had to make sure that I was going to be able to control my powers but until then I had to figure something out. I had to make sure that I had something to do or else I would get bored and start hurting people. I hate it when I get bored, but Lewis was there so that was a bonus. I couldn’t wait until he started giving me lessons. Lewis finally walked in and told me that I should get some sleep because I had a long day a head of me. He also told me that I had to be up really early in the morning. I didn’t ask any questions. I laid down and closed my eyes and went to sleep. Next thing I know I’m getting woken up by someone and I thought that it was my mother. But I figured out that it wasn’t my mother. It was Lewis trying to wake me up. Finally I got out of bed and got dressed. Then I asked Lewis what we were going to be doing then. Lewis told me that I was suppose too learn how to control my powers, but I knew that.
An hour later Lewis brought me to this place, I had no idea where we were. Finally I asked him where we were. He told me not to worry about it. So then Lewis told me to sit down. I didn’t want too but I did as he told me too. Then all of a sudden I was under a spell. I ended up floating in the air. I was freaking out. I didn’t know what else to do. I just looked at Lewis and he knew that I wanted to know what was going on. He didn’t say anything. I wanted to yell at him but nothing came out of my mouth. I didn’t know what was going on. Next thing I know I’m falling to the ground.

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