Thursday, June 26, 2008

Muffins part 2

After everything that had happened with Alexis, Nathan knew that she was now safe and couldn’t cheat on him. He was now a widower. This meant that he could go out and get remarried or date whoever he wanted. Nathan didn’t know how to go out and look for a woman anymore. So he went to some of his friends and tried to figure out how to pick up a woman. One of his friends said that they were going out to a bar and wondered if he wanted to tag along. Nathan said sure. So they went out and Nathan met someone. Her name was Suzy. They talked for a while. Then finally she asked him why he wasn’t drinking anything. He told her it was because he had to drive his friends home. She said okay and was wondering if she could catch a ride with them. Nathan asked her where she lived. She told him and he said that he lived in the same building. After Nathan found this out he had other ideas.
It was after one o’clock in the morning and Nathan’s friends said that they were ready to leave. Nathan said okay and to give him the keys. So they did. Nathan drove his friends home and told one of his friends that he would take his car back to him the next morning. He said okay and walked to his house. Then Nathan and Suzy went back to the building where they lived and Nathan had to carry Suzy up the stairs. Then he asked her if he wanted him to stay with her through the night just in case something bad happened. She said yes. Then she decided that she wanted him to sleep with her. So they both went in the bedroom to go lay down. Then Suzy started kissing Nathan. Things lead on. (You know the rest of the story.) The next morning Suzy was still sleeping when Nathan woke up. So he went out and bought some things for breakfast. While Nathan was out Suzy woke up. She thought that he had left for good. Then five minutes later Nathan walked through the door. Suzy was kind of surprised that he had groceries in his hand. Then Nathan made a pot of coffee and cooked breakfast. They talked about what had happened the night before. Suzy didn’t know what to think of that. Then she asked Nathan if he would like to keep seeing her. He said yes.
They dated for a while. After about six months he asked her to marry him. She was flattered but didn’t know if she was ready to get married. Nathan said okay but kept asking her once every week until she finally said yes.
They got married and he started drinking and abusing his wife. Suzy did the same thing that Alexis had done. She left. So he found out where she was and became one of her best friends. Suzy didn’t know that it was Nathan under all of the make up and baggy clothes. He called himself Arianna. Suzy thought that something was strange about Arianna. She just let it go though and she told him everything that had happened to her. Arianna said that someone had told her the exact same story only it didn’t end too well. Suzy got scared and moved out of town but Nathan followed her. He dressed in different clothes and changed his voice so that she wouldn’t know that it was the same person. Suzy finally decided that she needed a way out and to kill herself was the best choice. She wrote a note to Nathan again saying what a dick he was and that she felt sorry for the next woman that he dated. She hoped that she wouldn’t marry him. And of course Nathan found her hanging from the living room ceiling. He called the police and held the note very dear to him. He kept the note in a shoe box under his bed.
A couple of days later Nathan was watching the news and had found out that Suzy called the police on him and they were looking for him. Nathan tried to run but every where he went someone knew that it was him. Finally they caught him and put him in jail for the abuse of two women. They let him out six months later. It started all over again.

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