Thursday, June 26, 2008


Muffins are good. They make your tummy happy. There are many different kinds of muffins.
On a different note this is going to be a story about a woman named Alexis who loves to bake. She finds a bunch of different recipes for making muffins. She makes one batch and she eats one and doesn’t like it so she makes a different batch and eats that one and she doesn’t like it either. So then she tries something else and doesn’t like it either. So she keeps trying to hunt for a muffin recipe that she will like.
On her hunt for a muffin recipe she meets someone. His name is Nathan. As they talked they got to know each other pretty well. She thought that he was gay until he asked her out. She said yes and they dated for a while. Then on they’re one year anniversary Nathan asked Alexis to marry him. She said yes. But she didn’t know the consequences of marring him.
After a couple of months of being married Nathan started to change. Alexis didn’t think anything of it. She was still trying to find the muffin recipe that she would like. Then one day Nathan came home from work and he started drinking. Alexis didn’t think anything of it because she figured that he would just have one or two and stop because he needed to relax. So she made a new batch of muffins and he ate one and flipped out. He started telling her that she was nothing but a dirty whore and that he couldn’t believe that he married her. Alexis didn’t know how to react to that. So she did what any woman would do. She started to cry. Then Nathan told her that she was just a baby and that she needed to toughen up. So he started beating her. She just laid on the floor and took the beating. She was defenseless against Nathan. A couple months later Nathan kept beating on Alexis. Finally Alexis decided that she was going to leave. But she was so afraid of Nathan coming to look for her. So she had to find a place to go. She didn’t know where to go because she knew that Nathan knew where she went. Alexis finally figured out that she needed to get out of town and change her name. So she did.
Alexis took time to find her favorite muffin recipe and she made some good friends. She finally found the one that she really liked. Banana nut. That was her favorite. After she found that she didn’t know what else to live for and she finally shot herself in the head. She left a note for Nathan and told him everything that she wanted to say. And what she had to say was how much that he hurt her and she left because she couldn’t take the beatings anymore. She also told him not to worry she was in a better place now. Finally one of her friends walked in and found her laying dead on the living room floor. Her friend found the note and read it to herself. She new that that was what Alexis had wanted. Her friend knew about her past and dealt with Alexis killing herself. She called the police and kept the note very dear to her, because in the end, Alexis’s friend wasn’t a she, it was Nathan.

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