Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Random Thoughts 69

Hey! Well I went back to where I did work and asked if I could get my job back and they told me no. Which sucked. I really wanted it back but it's not going to happen. So I'm going to be moving to somewhere that I might acctually be able to get a job with in a couple of weeks. Maybe in a couple of days. I hope. Anywho... This is random thoughts 69.... okay I know you all were thinking it too.... LOL!!! Sorry bad joke I know. But hey it's all good. I got told by someone, if you don't have any fun then your going to go insane. That person was right. Although I'm pissed at that person. But thats not important. I hope that everyone is doing okay. I can't wait to see everyone again.

~to a random friend~ stop in. I'm home all the time now. Or at least call me sometime. That would be nice. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time.

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Because The Rain Hides Tears said...

!!! i didnt even realize it was random thoughts 69 untill you said something >_<# now im gonna have perverted thoughts today and its YOUR FAULT lol jkjk you know i love ya XD ummm guess what im gonna be teh random friend that stops by cuz im gonna be at your house tomorrow till saturday morning where i gotsa take the ACTs (joy XD) sry for the hyperness i actually got a cappuccino today =D Mr Krull the culinary arts teacher must be in a REEEEEEEEALLY good mood today lol XDXD111!!! XD and about you not having a job i sry it must SUCK not having a job after working for what? two-three months? XDD still getsa job soon okz? god knows its better than being stuck home with ANIME bugging you all day XD. speaking of anime, and the comment you left on my blog, i already figured he was single -_-' kinda my fault, mostly Ryans XD ryan bugged her to break up with him and i told her if she was having break-up-with-alex thoughts to lose them that i didnt give a DAMN if she was or was not dating him. then something snapped and i started yelling at her this is a long comment XD. and about me "grabbing him while i can" never gonna happen -_-' he doenst like me he never will =) so YAY im gonna end the comment now XD have a good day today lolz.