Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kristen and Dorathy (Dora)

Once there was a woman named Kristen. She was married to a hockey player. When they first got married everything was great. After a while things started to change. Her husband would come home after a long night of drinking and would beat her. Not just mentally but physically too. Kristen was from a small town in Tennessee.
One day while Kristen was shopping she met someone. Her name was Dorothy but everyone called her Dora. Dorothy listened to everything that Kristen had to say. Kristen told Dora that she was also in school.
Kristen was in college. She only had day classes and stayed home on days that her husband was there. She didn’t want him to know that she was in college. Kristen didn’t want her husband to know too much about her. That’s why she kept it a secret. One day while Kristen is in school they were talking about how people got abused. Kristen in front of the whole class blurts out “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO GET ABUSED!” Kristen horrified at what she had just said ran out of class. No one knew what she had ment by this. So they waited until she came back to school to ask her what was going on.
Kristen ran to Dora’s house. She knew that she shouldn’t have gone there but it was her only way to get out of the situation and everyone knew where Kristen lived. They didn’t know where Dora lived. Although they could probably find out. Kristen found Dora sitting outside of her place.
“Dora, Why are you sitting outside of your own place?”
“Because I live with four other people and I couldn’t stand the noise anymore.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that you lived with four other people.”
“That’s gotta suck.”
“Yea. Why are you here?”
“Oh. Right. I was going to tell you as soon as I got here. I forgot for a minute.”
“So, are you going to tell me?”
“Right. Yea. I just blurted out to my whole class everything about my husband abusing me.”
“Oh shit. Girl, that’s not good.”
“Yea I know. I didn’t mean too its just what we were talking about in class today. I don’t want anyone to worry about me. So I’ve come up with a plan.”
“You’ve gotta tell me what your plan is.”
“Okay. My plan is to run away and never come back to this place. I’m just going back to school to tell everyone that I’m moving away and that I just need my transcripts so that I can go back to college when I get where ever I’m going.”
“Ooooo. I want to come along.”
“Okay but we leave at midnight tomorrow.”
“Okay. I’ll have all of my stuff packed and ready to go. One question first, why midnight?”
“Because that way I know my husband will be asleep and I won’t have to answer any of his questions of why I’m leaving and that way I won’t have to deal with him abusing me anymore.”
After making plans with Dora, Kristen went home and got some sleep. The next day Kristen walked into school and got her transcripts. As Kristen was waiting to get her stuff, her teacher walked up to her and wanted to talk to her about her out burst in class from the day before. Kristen really didn’t want to talk about what she had done. But she gave in and talked to her teacher. Her teacher thought that Kristen should call the police. Kristen told him no and that she was running away so that she could get away from it all. Then she walked out the door.
Later that night Kristen met up with Dora. Their plan was going to go through. Kristen and Dora were happy to go. They couldn’t wait to get going. After a couple of minutes they left. They thought that this would be a journey. They didn’t know any of the consequences that lie a head for them.
After walking for about an hour they came up to a river. Dora knew this river.
“Kristen, I know this river. It’s full of crocs.”
“So what should we do?”
“I think that we should just keep walking on land for a while.”
“Okay but it looks like if we keep walking then we’re going to end up hitting a dead end then our journey will be over.”“Okay. Lets get into the water.”“Okay.”
“Wait look, there’s boat down there. We can use them to keep going.”“That’s awesome.”
“I know.”
Kristen and Dora took the boats and headed down stream. On their way through they didn’t realize that something was coming up behind them. Kristen got attacked first. It turned her boat over. Kristen got scared and ended up swimming and finding a red bridge that just led straight up and back to the land. After Kristen got back on land she realized that something was coming after her and fast. She turned around and looked to see what it was, rabid bunnies. Kristen got really scared and started running. She was running and didn’t know where she was going, until she hit the cliff. It was a good ten feet to the water. She either had to jump or let the bunnies get her. So Kristen jumped. Because of the adrenaline rush Kristen didn’t feel herself hit the water. She thought that maybe she was falling for a good amount of time when it was only like two minutes.
After hitting the water Kristen found her boat. Kristen told Dora that they should keep going down river and see where they end up. Kristen didn’t want to go back to that evil place again. She didn’t want to go back and get beat by her husband. After all that was the one reason she ran away from that place.
After everything that had happened, Dora and Kristen decided that they were hungry and had to stop to eat something. After they were done they kept on their journey. They still had no idea where they were going to go, but they knew they had to keep going.
Finally Dora asked Kristen what they should do. If they should find a town and ask where they are. So they paddled over to the bank. They pulled the boats on to shore. They walked for a while until they came upon a town. The town looked pretty deserted. Kristen and Dora were afraid that if they didn’t find anyone that they would have walked all of this way for nothing. They kept walking. As they were just getting ready to turn around and go back someone yelled to them. They were surprised that anyone would talk to them at first. Then they remembered that no one should know them. So they waved.
“Hi. What brings you around here?”
“Uh, we got lost and were wondering where we were.”“Oh. That’s easy, your in Kentucky.”
“Yea.”With an amazed look on Kristen and Dora’s faces, the person that they were talking too asked them what their names were. Without knowing what this person had said. Dora spoke first.
“My name is Dora and this is Kristen. What’s your name?”
“My name is Sara.”
“Its nice to meet you.”“Same.”
“Want me to show you around town?”“Sure that would be great.” Blurted out Dora.
Kristen was still in shock. She didn’t know they had gone that far and not realized it. Dora finally nudged Kristen and told her what was going on and asked her what was up. Kristen told Dora that she was just in shock about the whole thing. Dora told Kristen not to worry about it. She couldn’t believe it either. They just knew that they had to get away from that town and get away from those people. They had been through so much that they just needed away out. So they found it. They snuck off.
Later that night they found a place to sleep in a town. They watched tv and the news came on and they saw their pictures flash across the screen. They wondered what was going on. So they listened and as they were listening someone had filed a missing persons report on them. They just wanted to get everything done and over with. They figured that if they could stay hidden for a while then everyone would give up looking for them and they would all think that they were dead. The next morning they set back out on their journey. They still didn’t know where they were going but they knew they had to get away.
Finally they ended up in California and the hunt for them stopped and they started their new lives. Kristen woke up. She couldn’t believe that she had had that dream. She wondered what it ment. She was glad that she wasn’t married. That way she didn’t have to deal with what had happened in the dream. She made sure that she would never get married. That day she had met someone named Dora. It was the same person that she saw in her dream. Kristen thought that it was creepy.

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