Thursday, June 26, 2008

Muffins part 2

After everything that had happened with Alexis, Nathan knew that she was now safe and couldn’t cheat on him. He was now a widower. This meant that he could go out and get remarried or date whoever he wanted. Nathan didn’t know how to go out and look for a woman anymore. So he went to some of his friends and tried to figure out how to pick up a woman. One of his friends said that they were going out to a bar and wondered if he wanted to tag along. Nathan said sure. So they went out and Nathan met someone. Her name was Suzy. They talked for a while. Then finally she asked him why he wasn’t drinking anything. He told her it was because he had to drive his friends home. She said okay and was wondering if she could catch a ride with them. Nathan asked her where she lived. She told him and he said that he lived in the same building. After Nathan found this out he had other ideas.
It was after one o’clock in the morning and Nathan’s friends said that they were ready to leave. Nathan said okay and to give him the keys. So they did. Nathan drove his friends home and told one of his friends that he would take his car back to him the next morning. He said okay and walked to his house. Then Nathan and Suzy went back to the building where they lived and Nathan had to carry Suzy up the stairs. Then he asked her if he wanted him to stay with her through the night just in case something bad happened. She said yes. Then she decided that she wanted him to sleep with her. So they both went in the bedroom to go lay down. Then Suzy started kissing Nathan. Things lead on. (You know the rest of the story.) The next morning Suzy was still sleeping when Nathan woke up. So he went out and bought some things for breakfast. While Nathan was out Suzy woke up. She thought that he had left for good. Then five minutes later Nathan walked through the door. Suzy was kind of surprised that he had groceries in his hand. Then Nathan made a pot of coffee and cooked breakfast. They talked about what had happened the night before. Suzy didn’t know what to think of that. Then she asked Nathan if he would like to keep seeing her. He said yes.
They dated for a while. After about six months he asked her to marry him. She was flattered but didn’t know if she was ready to get married. Nathan said okay but kept asking her once every week until she finally said yes.
They got married and he started drinking and abusing his wife. Suzy did the same thing that Alexis had done. She left. So he found out where she was and became one of her best friends. Suzy didn’t know that it was Nathan under all of the make up and baggy clothes. He called himself Arianna. Suzy thought that something was strange about Arianna. She just let it go though and she told him everything that had happened to her. Arianna said that someone had told her the exact same story only it didn’t end too well. Suzy got scared and moved out of town but Nathan followed her. He dressed in different clothes and changed his voice so that she wouldn’t know that it was the same person. Suzy finally decided that she needed a way out and to kill herself was the best choice. She wrote a note to Nathan again saying what a dick he was and that she felt sorry for the next woman that he dated. She hoped that she wouldn’t marry him. And of course Nathan found her hanging from the living room ceiling. He called the police and held the note very dear to him. He kept the note in a shoe box under his bed.
A couple of days later Nathan was watching the news and had found out that Suzy called the police on him and they were looking for him. Nathan tried to run but every where he went someone knew that it was him. Finally they caught him and put him in jail for the abuse of two women. They let him out six months later. It started all over again.


Muffins are good. They make your tummy happy. There are many different kinds of muffins.
On a different note this is going to be a story about a woman named Alexis who loves to bake. She finds a bunch of different recipes for making muffins. She makes one batch and she eats one and doesn’t like it so she makes a different batch and eats that one and she doesn’t like it either. So then she tries something else and doesn’t like it either. So she keeps trying to hunt for a muffin recipe that she will like.
On her hunt for a muffin recipe she meets someone. His name is Nathan. As they talked they got to know each other pretty well. She thought that he was gay until he asked her out. She said yes and they dated for a while. Then on they’re one year anniversary Nathan asked Alexis to marry him. She said yes. But she didn’t know the consequences of marring him.
After a couple of months of being married Nathan started to change. Alexis didn’t think anything of it. She was still trying to find the muffin recipe that she would like. Then one day Nathan came home from work and he started drinking. Alexis didn’t think anything of it because she figured that he would just have one or two and stop because he needed to relax. So she made a new batch of muffins and he ate one and flipped out. He started telling her that she was nothing but a dirty whore and that he couldn’t believe that he married her. Alexis didn’t know how to react to that. So she did what any woman would do. She started to cry. Then Nathan told her that she was just a baby and that she needed to toughen up. So he started beating her. She just laid on the floor and took the beating. She was defenseless against Nathan. A couple months later Nathan kept beating on Alexis. Finally Alexis decided that she was going to leave. But she was so afraid of Nathan coming to look for her. So she had to find a place to go. She didn’t know where to go because she knew that Nathan knew where she went. Alexis finally figured out that she needed to get out of town and change her name. So she did.
Alexis took time to find her favorite muffin recipe and she made some good friends. She finally found the one that she really liked. Banana nut. That was her favorite. After she found that she didn’t know what else to live for and she finally shot herself in the head. She left a note for Nathan and told him everything that she wanted to say. And what she had to say was how much that he hurt her and she left because she couldn’t take the beatings anymore. She also told him not to worry she was in a better place now. Finally one of her friends walked in and found her laying dead on the living room floor. Her friend found the note and read it to herself. She new that that was what Alexis had wanted. Her friend knew about her past and dealt with Alexis killing herself. She called the police and kept the note very dear to her, because in the end, Alexis’s friend wasn’t a she, it was Nathan.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Random Thoughts 73

Hey! I don't really have a lot to talk about. I want to do some research but I have no idea what to research. If you have any ideas then let me know. I don't care if it will only take me an hour or 3 days. I don't care how long it will take me. I just need something to do. I feel like my life is way pathetic. The reason I feel this way is because all I ever do now is stay at home or go babysit. What an exciting life.... ~rolls eyes~ Oh, I do have some news though. I have now offically been married for one year. Since monday. And tuesday was my one year of being out of high school. I can't believe that it's been that long already. My husband is leaving for california in like 2 weeks so I'm not going to get to talk to him. I don't think. Then he'll be home for 2 weeks in august and then after he goes back to where he's at now he leaves for Iraq. I have a lot on my plate right now. I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle him leaving. I guess that I'll deal though. And lastly, I'm helping my brother write a book. It's called Powerful Epiphany. I wonder how that will turn out?!

~hearts~ me

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random Thoughts 72

Hey! I just posted 3 stories. I need some help on 2 of them. The one posted Alex and Hatred,war, fighting, death. I don't exactly know where to take them from the point that I'm at. So if you have any suggestions. Let me know. leave me a comment or e-mail me at Thanks. Hope you all enjoy my stories.

~hearts~ me

"Hatred, fighting, war, death"

“What has this world come too? Hatred, fighting, war and death. Exactly that. No one believes in peace and love anymore. They say that the war is going to end but here we are still fighting to keep our freedom. Deaths happen everyday. The government can’t even keep the peace between the cities anymore. They are too worried about what happening in a third world country. Maybe they should start paying attention to their own country. There are people living on the streets here in America. No one understands what some of the high schools go through. The government doesn’t give a shit one way or another. People die everyday but the only things you hear on the news now a days are about the war in Iraq, celebrities who have died or got pregnant and the weather. They don’t care about America. With society today if your gay then you get the shit kicked outta you in the big cities. In the suburb, the parents disown you. In the country, people fight with you because of what you are. It’s not right. Some parents are still against having colored people in schools. I got a news flash for those people, they need to get over it. Parents think that they could walk in out shoes, well news flash, I would rather do their jobs than have to go back to school. Let them take our place for a day. Then maybe they would treat us with some respect. Why don’t they try and deal with the heartache and the abuse that the teenagers go through now a days. They don’t even know what pain is. Let them deal with the stress. Let them deal with the changing of the laws. Let them deal with a friend whose parents want nothing to do with them. They don’t know the half of it. Parents wonder why their kids do drugs and drink all the time, deal with the reality of being a teenager now. No one takes them seriously. Maybe the “adults” should start caring about what kids get taught in school now a days. But apparently they don’t care. No one can stand the fact that the schools can’t get help from the government because out country keeps spending money on a third world country. Maybe they should let the people run the country instead of a government. Everyone might be better off.
Thank you for listening.”
The start of a day in the life of Monica Spirit. As soon as she woke up she thought that something was different. She couldn’t place her finger on it until she got to school. She heard the announcement and thought that maybe the school should do a protest against everything that America was doing wrong. Because she was only a teenager she didn’t think that anyone would listen to her. She finally decided to see if the students wanted to start a protest against everything. So she made up a partition that had a list of everything that the government was doing to screw them over in the long run. Monica was determine to get everyone at her school to sign it. She knew that the teenagers were the future of this country. She didn’t know exactly how to make it so that everyone would sign it but after that announcement she figured that the teenagers would sign anything to rebel against the government, but first she had to do some research. She starting asking her friends what they wanted to do when they got older. None of them had an answer because they figured that the government would make that choice for them just like they do now. No one can go to school and not have the government find out. No one could disappear without the government knowing. No one could even say something without the government knowing about it. No one knew what would come of this country if they didn’t have the government to tell them what to do all the time. Everyone figured that this was how life was suppose to be but not everyone thought that. Monica sure didn’t. She didn’t want the government choosing what she did for the rest of her life. They might help in some ways but if they can’t even help their own country then why should the people have to deal with it. Monica was determine to find out what they had in store for the next twelve years of her life. She was only a sophomore in high school and she already knew that the government was screwing people out of money and jobs because they need the money more than the people do. So they think anyways. The government thinks that they are doing a good thing but what if it was one of their family members over in the war? Would they still want the war going on? Probably not. They don’t care about the families that lose people that are very dear to them.
“No that would never happen.” in the words of our government.
They wouldn’t allow that to happen. Send an innocent civilian over to Iraq and let them die for our freedom. God forbid if they send someone from the governments family over to Iraq. Let them go over there and get shot at. Maybe even let one of them die and see how they like it. I don’t think that they would like it very much. They don’t even care about what’s been going on in the schools because their kids all go to a PRIVATE boarding school in another country. They don’t know how many kids get sick a year from eating the school food that they serve. No one knows how long that food has been sitting there.
From Monica’s point of view it’s disgusting. The government should really worry about everything that has been happening in their own country before they even start to worry about anything else. So the twin towers went down big whoop. You don’t hear about it anymore. Some people are surprised when it’s brought up in a conversation. Everyone has forgotten about it basically. Except for the people that had lost someone in the crash. Other than that no one remembers. Our troops are still over there because the government wants to keep them over there. They are sending our younger men to Iraq to die so that the older people and children of this world will have a better life. News flash there won’t be children if the newly married guys keep going over to Iraq and keep dying. There is going to be no future if they don’t come home soon. Monica was getting annoyed with all these thoughts going through her head. She didn’t know exactly what to do but if she could get a group of teenagers together then she figured they could come up with something. The first thing she knew what they had to do was make it so that the troops came home. After school was out she went home and started making an outline for everything that had to be done. She didn’t even realize how fast the day had gone because she was so caught up in all of her thoughts and what needed to get done. By the time she went to bed it was really late.
The next day at school, she gathered all of her friends and told them about what she was planning to do. They went and told all of their friends and by lunch the whole school was buzzing about what was going to happen after school. The teenagers were excited about everything. They couldn’t wait until after school so that they could get a jump start on everything. Monica told everyone to meet in the cafeteria. As soon as the last bell rang everyone headed straight for the cafeteria. The parking lot stayed empty. The teachers didn’t know what to think about that. Every had stayed after school. They had to know what Monica had to say about the government and the war in Iraq.
As soon as she had everyone attention she started off by telling them that she wanted to start a petition to get the government to take the troops out of Iraq. She wanted it to be every where. She wanted as many signatures as they could get. After the teenagers found out what Monica was doing then they set out to help. Some of the kids new other people from out of the district so they called them up and asked them to help out. They all agreed to help out the cause.
The next day at school everyone reported to Monica. Some of the teenagers told her that they had called some of their friends from another school and told them what it was about and they wanted to help out. Monica said okay and then went to go make more petitions. Monica was excited about everything. She figured that when she got older that she would look back to this day and see how it changed her life.
What Monica didn’t know was that it was going to change her life for the worst. Monica wanted to make the world a better place but didn’t know that by bringing the troops home that it was going to affect everything. She’s going to be the one that gets blamed for the military not doing their jobs and then the military is going to fall apart. America won’t have any protection from other countries and they are going to get taken over by another country.
Monica was hoping to get everything done with in the couple of weeks. Her next move was to write a letter to the government and explain to them what was going on and what the people thought of this war. She was going to make it so that the letter was sort of mean but in a nice kind of way. She wanted to make sure they knew that she ment business. She didn’t want them to know that they were getting a letter from a teenager. They would probably look up her name and find out that she was only sixteen, but she didn’t care. She wanted them to know what was going on in their own country.
Monica went home and wrote the letter. It read:
“Dear Mr. President,
My name is Monica Spirit. I just wanted to inform you about what the people have been saying about the war in Iraq. There are a lot of people that are very anti-war. So as a result of this we have made a petition. There are over four hundred signatures. The people want to bring the troops home. Thank you for your time.
Monica was very proud of this letter. She couldn’t wait until she could get this letter mailed out. She figured that she should have done some research first but she was so excited about writing this letter that she didn’t even think about it until after she wrote the letter. The next day at school she took all of the petitions and stuck them in the envelope and put it in the mail. She didn’t know how long it would take for the letter to get to the president. She hoped that it wouldn’t take very long.
A couple of weeks later Monica was running late for school and didn’t get a chance to catch the news, so she asked a couple of her friends and they told her that all of the troops were coming home. Monica was so excited. She didn’t know how to handle herself. As the day went by she couldn’t believe that she had missed that announcement from the president. She was kind of mad at herself. She would soon get over it though.
A couple of years later Iraq found out that the military in America was no longer an issue. So the people of Iraq decided that they were going to bomb America and take over. They had succeeded so far. Finally everyone started to point fingers at one another for who had made it so that the military quit their jobs. Then they started thinking about what was going on and what had happened. Then everyone started to remember that Monica was a student in high school and made it so that the troops were coming home. She was the cause of everything. Finally they found her working in a McDonalds and told her that she was banned from that town and state.
Monica didn’t know what to do. So she packed all of her stuff and set out on an adventure. No one else wanted her in their town either. So she left for another country. She figured that she could go to England. She knew that no one knew her in England. So she boarded the next plane. It was a long flight. She couldn’t wait to get there. She had an adventure a head of her.
As soon as her plane landed she couldn’t wait until she could find a place to stay. Monica found a cute little hotel to stay in. She just had to pick up the lingo and whatever. So she set out to find a place to hang. Finally she found a place. It was a quaint little restaurant. She found some kids that were her age. She tried to hang out with them and they didn’t want to hang out with her. They knew exactly who she was. So she went to find the backstreets of the neighborhood that she was living in. Maybe someone wouldn’t recognize her and want to hang out. Finally she ran into someone and they started to hang out. Her name was Arianna. Monica said that was a pretty name. Then Monica asked her if she knew who she was. Arianna said yes and she didn’t care who she was. Monica thought that was cool. So they became really good friends and they hung out a lot. They did everything together. Arianna started to dress like Monica. Monica started to get a little annoyed with Arianna.

Kristen and Dorathy (Dora)

Once there was a woman named Kristen. She was married to a hockey player. When they first got married everything was great. After a while things started to change. Her husband would come home after a long night of drinking and would beat her. Not just mentally but physically too. Kristen was from a small town in Tennessee.
One day while Kristen was shopping she met someone. Her name was Dorothy but everyone called her Dora. Dorothy listened to everything that Kristen had to say. Kristen told Dora that she was also in school.
Kristen was in college. She only had day classes and stayed home on days that her husband was there. She didn’t want him to know that she was in college. Kristen didn’t want her husband to know too much about her. That’s why she kept it a secret. One day while Kristen is in school they were talking about how people got abused. Kristen in front of the whole class blurts out “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO GET ABUSED!” Kristen horrified at what she had just said ran out of class. No one knew what she had ment by this. So they waited until she came back to school to ask her what was going on.
Kristen ran to Dora’s house. She knew that she shouldn’t have gone there but it was her only way to get out of the situation and everyone knew where Kristen lived. They didn’t know where Dora lived. Although they could probably find out. Kristen found Dora sitting outside of her place.
“Dora, Why are you sitting outside of your own place?”
“Because I live with four other people and I couldn’t stand the noise anymore.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that you lived with four other people.”
“That’s gotta suck.”
“Yea. Why are you here?”
“Oh. Right. I was going to tell you as soon as I got here. I forgot for a minute.”
“So, are you going to tell me?”
“Right. Yea. I just blurted out to my whole class everything about my husband abusing me.”
“Oh shit. Girl, that’s not good.”
“Yea I know. I didn’t mean too its just what we were talking about in class today. I don’t want anyone to worry about me. So I’ve come up with a plan.”
“You’ve gotta tell me what your plan is.”
“Okay. My plan is to run away and never come back to this place. I’m just going back to school to tell everyone that I’m moving away and that I just need my transcripts so that I can go back to college when I get where ever I’m going.”
“Ooooo. I want to come along.”
“Okay but we leave at midnight tomorrow.”
“Okay. I’ll have all of my stuff packed and ready to go. One question first, why midnight?”
“Because that way I know my husband will be asleep and I won’t have to answer any of his questions of why I’m leaving and that way I won’t have to deal with him abusing me anymore.”
After making plans with Dora, Kristen went home and got some sleep. The next day Kristen walked into school and got her transcripts. As Kristen was waiting to get her stuff, her teacher walked up to her and wanted to talk to her about her out burst in class from the day before. Kristen really didn’t want to talk about what she had done. But she gave in and talked to her teacher. Her teacher thought that Kristen should call the police. Kristen told him no and that she was running away so that she could get away from it all. Then she walked out the door.
Later that night Kristen met up with Dora. Their plan was going to go through. Kristen and Dora were happy to go. They couldn’t wait to get going. After a couple of minutes they left. They thought that this would be a journey. They didn’t know any of the consequences that lie a head for them.
After walking for about an hour they came up to a river. Dora knew this river.
“Kristen, I know this river. It’s full of crocs.”
“So what should we do?”
“I think that we should just keep walking on land for a while.”
“Okay but it looks like if we keep walking then we’re going to end up hitting a dead end then our journey will be over.”“Okay. Lets get into the water.”“Okay.”
“Wait look, there’s boat down there. We can use them to keep going.”“That’s awesome.”
“I know.”
Kristen and Dora took the boats and headed down stream. On their way through they didn’t realize that something was coming up behind them. Kristen got attacked first. It turned her boat over. Kristen got scared and ended up swimming and finding a red bridge that just led straight up and back to the land. After Kristen got back on land she realized that something was coming after her and fast. She turned around and looked to see what it was, rabid bunnies. Kristen got really scared and started running. She was running and didn’t know where she was going, until she hit the cliff. It was a good ten feet to the water. She either had to jump or let the bunnies get her. So Kristen jumped. Because of the adrenaline rush Kristen didn’t feel herself hit the water. She thought that maybe she was falling for a good amount of time when it was only like two minutes.
After hitting the water Kristen found her boat. Kristen told Dora that they should keep going down river and see where they end up. Kristen didn’t want to go back to that evil place again. She didn’t want to go back and get beat by her husband. After all that was the one reason she ran away from that place.
After everything that had happened, Dora and Kristen decided that they were hungry and had to stop to eat something. After they were done they kept on their journey. They still had no idea where they were going to go, but they knew they had to keep going.
Finally Dora asked Kristen what they should do. If they should find a town and ask where they are. So they paddled over to the bank. They pulled the boats on to shore. They walked for a while until they came upon a town. The town looked pretty deserted. Kristen and Dora were afraid that if they didn’t find anyone that they would have walked all of this way for nothing. They kept walking. As they were just getting ready to turn around and go back someone yelled to them. They were surprised that anyone would talk to them at first. Then they remembered that no one should know them. So they waved.
“Hi. What brings you around here?”
“Uh, we got lost and were wondering where we were.”“Oh. That’s easy, your in Kentucky.”
“Yea.”With an amazed look on Kristen and Dora’s faces, the person that they were talking too asked them what their names were. Without knowing what this person had said. Dora spoke first.
“My name is Dora and this is Kristen. What’s your name?”
“My name is Sara.”
“Its nice to meet you.”“Same.”
“Want me to show you around town?”“Sure that would be great.” Blurted out Dora.
Kristen was still in shock. She didn’t know they had gone that far and not realized it. Dora finally nudged Kristen and told her what was going on and asked her what was up. Kristen told Dora that she was just in shock about the whole thing. Dora told Kristen not to worry about it. She couldn’t believe it either. They just knew that they had to get away from that town and get away from those people. They had been through so much that they just needed away out. So they found it. They snuck off.
Later that night they found a place to sleep in a town. They watched tv and the news came on and they saw their pictures flash across the screen. They wondered what was going on. So they listened and as they were listening someone had filed a missing persons report on them. They just wanted to get everything done and over with. They figured that if they could stay hidden for a while then everyone would give up looking for them and they would all think that they were dead. The next morning they set back out on their journey. They still didn’t know where they were going but they knew they had to get away.
Finally they ended up in California and the hunt for them stopped and they started their new lives. Kristen woke up. She couldn’t believe that she had had that dream. She wondered what it ment. She was glad that she wasn’t married. That way she didn’t have to deal with what had happened in the dream. She made sure that she would never get married. That day she had met someone named Dora. It was the same person that she saw in her dream. Kristen thought that it was creepy.


Once it had all seemed so normal, that was the premise of the life that I had grown to know. I can’t say I was happy with it, but now thinking back at it, I think that I was happier then. If only there was one chance that I could go back and change it. Would I take the chance or would I let it slide right past me? I wonder this kind of thing everyday. I’m still not sure what’s happened other than the fact that I have this irreversible ability that no one can explain. Even the person that had given me the powers that I now posses, I suppose the powers have exceeded what he had wanted to give me. I wasn’t too sure about anything anymore. I tried for weeks to figure everything out. I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that. So I’m just going on everyday like nothing ever happened to me. Except that I know in my head that something did happen to me. It doesn’t make me happy but I know that I have to deal with it. My friends even think that I have gone all weird. So I finally told them that I was leaving school to go find myself. I told them that I would write to them every day. They were not too happy with my decision, but I knew what I had to do. I had to figure out how to mange these powers and live life everyday. Without hurting someone in the process.
So I set out in my journey to “find myself”. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to be looking for or if I would be able too control these powers without hurting someone. So I thought to myself, Well maybe I can find a place where no one lives. Then I thought to myself, is there such a place? I wasn’t sure but I was going to find out.
I finally found a place where I would be left alone and no one would bother me. It took a couple of days but I finally found the place. I was in a place that everyone knew of but no one would come. They all said that this place was hunted or something. Whatever. Why believe in something that you know isn’t really true? Right?
So I sat down and started concentrating on my powers to see if I could control them. It didn’t really work. I wasn’t focused enough too be able to control them. I finally gave up and wrote to my friends. I told them that I was in a nice place with a lot of people to help me “find myself”. When really I was only like 12 blocks from them. So I put my letters in the mail. Then I sat down and tried to concentrate again. Something was really bugging me though. I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I went back and tried to figure it out. Then someone said behind me, “what are you doing here?” I thought that I was going to jump right out of my skin. I didn’t know that anyone was right behind me. So I turned around to see who was behind me and when I turned around I wasn’t expecting what I saw. It was a ghost. I didn’t think that the stories were true but they were. Then I remembered “oh yea, they asked me a question. I should probably answer them.” So I told the ghost that I was there because I was trying to find myself. Like I had told my friends. He introduced himself to me. His name was Lewis. I told him my name was Christian.
Then he told me that he knew why I was really there. He knew that I had special powers. I was freaked out by him knowing this. Then he told me that he was there to help me figure out what I wanted to know. I didn’t know how to go at this. So I just nodded. I was speechless.
Lewis just told me that he knew that he was suppose to follow me around and see how far I got on controlling my powers, and as far as he was concerned I didn’t get very far. He was right. I didn’t get very far. I just ignored them until they got too bad. Then I decided that I had to get away from people and make it so that I could control them. So then afterwards I had to make sure that I was going to be able to control my powers but until then I had to figure something out. I had to make sure that I had something to do or else I would get bored and start hurting people. I hate it when I get bored, but Lewis was there so that was a bonus. I couldn’t wait until he started giving me lessons. Lewis finally walked in and told me that I should get some sleep because I had a long day a head of me. He also told me that I had to be up really early in the morning. I didn’t ask any questions. I laid down and closed my eyes and went to sleep. Next thing I know I’m getting woken up by someone and I thought that it was my mother. But I figured out that it wasn’t my mother. It was Lewis trying to wake me up. Finally I got out of bed and got dressed. Then I asked Lewis what we were going to be doing then. Lewis told me that I was suppose too learn how to control my powers, but I knew that.
An hour later Lewis brought me to this place, I had no idea where we were. Finally I asked him where we were. He told me not to worry about it. So then Lewis told me to sit down. I didn’t want too but I did as he told me too. Then all of a sudden I was under a spell. I ended up floating in the air. I was freaking out. I didn’t know what else to do. I just looked at Lewis and he knew that I wanted to know what was going on. He didn’t say anything. I wanted to yell at him but nothing came out of my mouth. I didn’t know what was going on. Next thing I know I’m falling to the ground.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Random Thoughts 71

Hey! Just figured I'd drop in and say hey. I can't believe that everyone is almost done with school now. I can't believe that monday is my one year anniversary for being married. Like seriously where does time go? I don't know. But anyways... this weekend I went to a wedding. My father-in-law finally got married. It was boring until later that night. I did the stupidest thing ever. Like seriously. I drank until I puked. Not the smartest thing I ever did. the good news though, I only puked in my purse. Bad news, I ruined everything in there. I finally said forget it, I don't want this stuff anymore. At least I didn't have anything real important in there. It just sucked. I never want to drink that much again. I didn't even really want to get wasted. But then someone asked me to get wasted with them and I said yes. Stupidest think I could have done. But at least I learned that now instead of later when I could be drinking and end up pukingh while I was sleeping and choke on it. Right? Yea. I thought so. But anyways... g2g

~hearts~ me

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Random Thoughts 70

Hey! Just droppin another line. and for the person that left a comment on my random thoughts 69 blog i've only been out of work for like 3 weeks. it'll be 3 weeks this monday. ha ha ha. love ya lots though. Anywho.... has any one ever thought something then it backfired on them? Well I just had that happen to me. I was kinda dating someone but I figured that it was over for a while. and as most of you know i'm bisexual so i wasn't cheating on my husband he knew about it. but anyways.... I figured maybe they would still have feelings for me. I was wrong. I guess that i was just hoping that they would still have feelings for me. I don't know. Life goes on I guess. I've made it this far without that person so hopefully I can keep living my life without that person in my life again. I wish her the best of luck though. but anyways.... thats my bad news for today. Hope that no one else is going to be having a pretty good day. I know that my day will get better later. I guess that I'm going to end my blog here. I will post more later or something. And hpefully I will get the powercord to my laptop again so I will be posting my stories again.

~hearts~ me

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Random Thoughts 69

Hey! Well I went back to where I did work and asked if I could get my job back and they told me no. Which sucked. I really wanted it back but it's not going to happen. So I'm going to be moving to somewhere that I might acctually be able to get a job with in a couple of weeks. Maybe in a couple of days. I hope. Anywho... This is random thoughts 69.... okay I know you all were thinking it too.... LOL!!! Sorry bad joke I know. But hey it's all good. I got told by someone, if you don't have any fun then your going to go insane. That person was right. Although I'm pissed at that person. But thats not important. I hope that everyone is doing okay. I can't wait to see everyone again.

~to a random friend~ stop in. I'm home all the time now. Or at least call me sometime. That would be nice. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time.

~hearts~ me

Friday, June 6, 2008

Random Thoughts 68

Hey! It's been almost 2 weeks since I've had a job. It sucks too. I'm ready to get back to work. I hate just sitting around not being able to depend on anything. I loved my job because I knew that I could depend on myself. I'm so thinking about going back to beg for my job back. Only because I know that I was making good money there and whatever. But now because of my stupidity I lost my job. Stupidest thing I could have done. So I'm hoping that if I go back to where I worked and ask the manager if I can have my job back, hopefully I'll get it back. I don't care if I have to start over there. I just want my job back. I hate being at home all the time. I put my name in somewhere else but they haven't called me back yet so I have no idea if I'm going to get the job or not. It's been almost 2 weeks since I put my name in. I guess that my problem is I want my old job back and I don't know if I will be able to get it back. I hope that I can. I'm sure you don't really want to hear about my problems but this is the only spot that I can put it so that everyone will know how I'm feeling.

~hearts~ me