Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Random Thoughts 53

Hey! I know that most of you are wondering why my blog went from random thoughts 51 to 53 well it's because I screwed up. My last post was suppose to be random thoughts 52 and I'm an idoit and screwed up. It was probably because I was really tired and didn't really want to think about anything. I'm off work today. Which is cool. I'm learing a lot more. I mean I already know a lot of stuff at work. I still have to learn how to do the drive through thing but thats just about all I have left. Which isn't bad. I think that I'm really starting to like work. I have days where I don't really want to be there but it's getting better. Like they have a lot of rules there but I think that it's a good structure. I mean I should be looking for a place to live just about now but I don't really care. Anyways... Hope to hear from everyone.

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

I'm really glad that your enjoying work! And yeah I've heard that Tim Horton's is a pretty nice place to work at. Hope that it continues to go well. Byes!