Friday, April 11, 2008

Random Thoughts 58

Hey! Not a lot is happening. Just work basically. I was not to happy with my pay check this week but I'll get over it. I went shopping today and next week I only work 4 days. Which sucks but whatever. At least this is my last week of training. Which is a good thing. I can't wait until I get done with all of my training. But yea... Not a whole lot has been going on in my life. I don't really talk to anyone anymore. I mean I still hang out with some friends but other than that I don't really do anything. isn't my life interesting? I didn't think so. So to all of my friends out there reading this I'm really sorry that my blog is starting to suck but I do work. Like all the time. And for those of you reading this someof u should stop drinking. Even if you think that telling us that u don't drink then your pathetic. Like seriously. Stop the drinking because if you don't then ur going to die. And I know what ur thinking "well u smoke and thats going to kill you." But I don't care if I die from smoking. I care more about my friends then anything else.

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

thats sweet that your enjoying your job. Um...who's been drinking that you want to stop?