Monday, April 14, 2008

Random Thoughts 60

Hey! Just wanted to let everyone know that this blog is gunna be me bitching about everything that is going on. So if you don't want to read it then don't. I won't be affened at all.
Okay. So heres what happened, I was talkin to someone and they told me that they wanted someone to do something with them and I feel like they don't even care about my feelings. Whatever. They don't have to care about my feeling. Cuz at this point they don't have to care about my feelings or me. I just did a ton of shit for them and whatever and I get repaid by having them fuckin blow me off. whatever. I don't even care anymore. I don't need the drama anyways. I'm dealing with a lot of shit too and you make it sound like your whole world is crashing around you. When it's really not. Keep drinking. One of these days your going to die because of it. I hope that makes you happy. And when you do die I'm not coming to your funeral because I'll be the one living where ever and then when I find out I'm going to be like "I fuckin told you so!" One of these days you will realize that you will get over your ex-boyfriend but with me I'm married and I don't get to see my husband at all. Except for when he comes home and he leaves for Iraq in september. How would you feel if you were married and found out that the love of your life wa leaving for Iraq and you won't know if he comes home or not? Deal with that shit. I don't think that you could. I have to deal with it right now. Whatever. I don't even care anymore....

one very pissed off me


Mack said...

honestly Fiona, if your gonna act like a child about this, then no, I don't give a damn about your feelings. You have a job, you have responsibilities, you can not not come up here because of said job and responsibilities. This is part of LIFE. I did not say that you couldn't come, I knew that you couldn't come, so don't pull the "woah is me, feel said for me" card because your not getting any sympathy from over here.

Also, about your husband going to Iraq, don't you ever pull that card on me again.
#1. Andrew is going in to the military to so I honestly may never see him again
#2. I actually LOVE him
#3. I never said that my position was worse then yours so DO NOT verbally attack me like that again like I did, this is all unprovacated.
#4. don't ever pull that on me again because your forgetting that this is the person that you continually told that you hoped he would go to Iraq because then he would die and you wouldn't have to deal with any courts over getting a divorce.

Yes I remember you saying that cause you told me about thirty times.

So please Fiona, grow up, and learn that life is not a ll fun and games, and that the world does not revolve around you. Other people have problems, your situation is not the worst, and god damn it stop making so much drama!

Because The Rain Hides Tears said... beth is being a bitch..~sigh~ -_-; im not getting in the middle of this one lol just i wish you luck..