Monday, March 31, 2008

Random Thoughts 51

Hey! Work is going really well. I finally have a day off. Which is today. Then I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going back to work. I know I said that it was a lot of work and it is but I like being busy instead of just standing around. I have to learn a lot of stuff but it's all good. I'm still learning but I'm getting the hang of it. One of the girls that I work with told me that I'm learning about some of the stuff a lot faster than some of the people that were there. Which is kinda cool. I guess that I learn a lot faster than I thought I did. Anyways... Not a whole lot has been going on except that I got a job and I like it so far. I think that I'm going to go. I have to get stuff done anyways and it's already 4:30. yay.

~hearts~ me

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