Thursday, April 17, 2008

Random Thoughts 61

Hey! Look in my last blog I was dealing with a lot of shit. Like I had just gotten home from work and my puppy had died then I got told that I was going to get anything from the military and that I couldn't get benifits from work until I've been there for six months. So what I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to blow up in my last blog and affened anyone. But as far as I'm concerned I did grow up. And I'm really sorry, mostly to Beth, because of all the shit that I pulled. I shouldn't have takin it out on you. I hope that we can work everything out and when you come home again... if I'm still around, I would like to take you out or something. I really hope that you do get to see Andrew again though, cuz from the sounds of it you guys make a great couple and from the pictures that I've seen. I guess that my issue was that I felt like I was the third wheel in our friendships. I really didn't mean to blow up though. Like I said I was just going through a lot of shit that day. I hope that we can stay friends. It means a lot to me to acctually be friends with you. But anyways... I do have to work tomorrow. I start work at 6:30 am. which sucks but ya know... it's a job at least.

~hearts~ me

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