Saturday, April 26, 2008

Random Thoughts 63

Hey! As most of you know all I do anymore is work. Well work is going okay. For the most part. Someone got fired but thats for reasons only work needs to know. Anyways... not a whole lot more is going on. We might be losing another puppy. I mean he's doing okay right now but we don't know if he'll make it through the rest of the day. This time it's dipstick. Yes we have named all of our puppies. There's Loner, Dipstick, Toughy, Broke Tail, Bart, and Stripe. We had 8 puppies but 2 of them died recently. Anyways... enough with the sadness. Well theres not a whole lot going on in my life except for work really. So I guess that I'm going to go.

~hearts~ me

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