Friday, April 4, 2008

Random Thoughts 55

Hey! Today started off to be a really bad day but it's gotten better. I finally got paid today. I'm so proud of my pay check. No I'm not going to tell you how much it is either. Well today started out really bad but it's getting better. I have a pounding headache but I took some meds for it. I just have to wait like 20 minutes before it kicks in. Which sucks but I'll get over it. Okay, today I had to do something for my manager and I did but made a huge ass mess of it. Then some lady started having seiuzures in my work. They had to call an ambulance and everything. Then I started taking orders at work... (cuz ya know I work in a restraunt) and completely screwed them up. It was just a bad day. Then I ended up staying and extra 15 minutes at work tonight. Not that I wanted too. But I did. Then I got home and things started to get better. So now I'm just at home relaxing before I have to go back to work on Sunday. But yea. Just figured I'd let everyone know how my day went. It wasn't a good one. I mean it started off like any other day. But as the day went on it just got worse. At least I didn't break a dish at work. That would have really sucked.

~hearts~ me

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