Monday, January 14, 2008

Random Thoughts 33

Hey! I'm leaving on friday. I can't believe that I'm leaving on friday. I didn't think that this time would ever come. I hate this town with a passion. It's not that I don't love my family or whatever but I hate this town. There are too many memories here that I just don't want anymore. I mean, maybe if I leave this place I will finally be able to get my head on straight. And figure out what I really want in life. Anyways... I know that some of my friends said that they were going to read my story but I don't think that it's going to happen. So thanks for that. I understand if your busy all the time, I mean your not a super person and can't do everything to please everyone. I know what thats like. I tried to be like that once, it jsut blew up in my face. Anyways... I have to go look for something because someone hasn't done it yet. :D

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

hey, i finally did read your story, i think its pretty good. You should keep writing, like seriously, i know that you enjoy it. Well gotta go cause im downloading more Chin Chan!!!