Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Random Thoughts 26

Hey! As some of u know I started writing a story and whatever. If you could all read it and comment on it I would appreciate it. I just hope that you all have time to read it. Two things before you start to read it, 1. It hasn't been profread. 2. it's not finished. I'll keep posting on it as I progress more. I'm hoping to have it finished by March this year. I started writing it on January 1, 2008. My first thing of the New Year! Please post on my story tell me what you all think.

~hearts~ me

One day in college a couple of boys decided that they wanted to have a food fight but didn’t want to start it. It was their last year at college and they wanted to go out with a bang. So they paid a couple of freshman to start the food fight. Mashed potatoes started flying everywhere. Gravy and meat started flying next. Rolls and butter, and green beans were everywhere. The dean of the college got wind of this and grabbed everyone that pitched in to pay the freshmen and made them stay after school to clean the cafeteria.
When they all shoed up there were people already there. They were already there because they volunteered to help clean up everything. They became friends and started hanging out more.

One night a bunch of friends, Jenny, Todd, Michael, Julia, Cristi, Lynn, Tristen and Benji were hangin out and they decided that they wanted to listen to music but it was 12:00 in the morning. They didn’t want to wake up their neighbors. So Todd turned on the music but it was really low. Michael was complaining because the music wasn’t loud enough. So Jenny told everyone that she had a place of her own and that it was so far out in the woods that no one would hear the music, and they could have it up as loud as they wanted. Todd turned off everything in his apartment and they all went to Jenny’s place. Michael, Todd, Tristen, Benji, Julia, and Cristi thought that Jenny was lying about the whole “she lived in the middle of nowhere thing,” because the last time that they were told that they found out that the girl was lying and that she lived in the middle of a big city. When they started to get closer they discovered that Jenny wasn’t lying. Cristi, Julia, and Lynn got scared. Michael and Todd told them not to worry and that they would protect them. They pulled in to the driveway and got out of the car. While they were looking at the house, they thought at first it looked like it was only a one-story house with a garage but as they got close they discovered that it was a two-story house. The house looked like it was abandon. The garage that looked like no one had used in years. The porch was up really high and had a railing that went all the way around it. The house had weeds that were almost 3 feet high in the front yard. It looked like something in a horror story everyone thought. Jenny told everyone to wait a minute. So everyone waited outside for a couple of minutes while she went to go turn on the lights. While they were waiting they thought that they heard something in the weeds. The porch light came on. Then everyone started walking up the stairs to go inside the house. As they got a closer look at the porch they discovered that it needed some fixing up and they understood why Jenny had told everyone to wait a minute because if you stepped in the wrong spot then you were going to fall through the floor and hit the ground. As they walked through the door, they looked around and found out that the house was a lot bigger than they thought it was. After they were all in Jenny said that they should wait in the living room while she went to grab snacks and soda for everyone. She pointed to where they were supposed to go to get there. The house was huge and she didn’t want anyone getting lost. They all said okay. Michael asked her if her cd player was in the living room. Jenny said yes. So Michael, Cristi, Julia, Lynn, Todd, Tristen, and Benji headed into the living room. While Jenny headed into the kitchen. Jenny was thinking that these are the people that said I had lied to them and they thought that I lived in the middle of a big city where I had a ton of neighbors. Which she knew that wasn’t true the people that were giving them a ride took them to their house and not hers. She had dyed her hair and changed her name and went back to that school. Jenny then walked back in to the living room. Everyone was really nice to her when she walked in.
Michael turned on some music. It was really loud. Cristi thought that they were being watch. She had mentioned it to Todd. But Todd told her not to worry about it because they were in the middle of nowhere and no one even knew they were there. Lynn had gone up the stairs because she wanted to check out the house. No one had noticed for an hour. When everyone finally noticed they went looking for Lynn. But of course they couldn’t find her. The last place they looked was in the bathroom. As soon as they opened the door they saw that blood was everywhere. Jenny, Todd, Michael, Cristi, Tristen, Benji, Julia saw that Lynn was dead. They didn’t know who did it but they had a feeling that it was someone in the house. They started to not trust each other. They all started pointing fingers at each other. They blamed one another for the murder. Cristi told everyone else that she thought they were being watch all night long and she thought that they should get out of there before anything else happened. They called the police. They all had to go to the police station and get asked questions. The police asked them questions. None of them could tell the police what had happened to Lynn.
The next day Michael, Julia, Cristi, Todd, Tristen, Benji and Jenny were watching the news and they discovered that Lynn had been murdered. They didn’t know what to think. They all blamed themselves for what had happened. If they had noticed sooner that Lynn had disappeared then this would have never happened. They had all gone to her funeral since they knew that they should be there anyways. It was kind of their fault that she was dead.

A month had gone by and they all got together again. They went to a party. The same thing had happened again. It was about the same time that it had happened the last time. Only this time the two people that were there didn’t make it out alive. They found one of the girls in the bathroom covered in blood. They found the other girl in the hallway behind a really tall plant facing the wall.
The next day they went back. Everyone wanted to find out why it was happening and who was doing it. So they all stayed the night there. They figured that would be the only way that it would happen again. Sure enough they found Cristi had been murdered but only this time she was shoved in the garage door. They thought that this was weird. But as the looked closer they found a note pinned to her shirt. The note said, “Leave this house or all of you are going to die.” They didn’t know what to think. But they wanted to know who or what was doing this anyways. Everyone thought that it was a ghost that wanted revenge on who ever slept there. One of the guys just thought that it was a crazy old man that moved out of the house and then she moved in and now he wants his house back. But everyone agreed that it was just a ghost that wanted everyone out of the house because they had disturbed his resting place or something.
As the girl that owned the house started to think about it she had been told stories about the house and how it was haunted by a ghost that lived in the house and didn’t want anyone there but she moved in anyways thinking that nothing of the non-living would kill her for living there. She figured that if it’s just a ghost that it would try and swing something at her and it would just go right through her and not do anything to her. It was a ghost for crying out loud. But since she has seen everything she was thinking that maybe she should get outta the house before she dies. But she promised everyone that she would stay there and help find the thing that is doing all this.
So everyone stayed in the house until they could figure out what was going on. Three days had gone by and no one else was killed. No one new why. They figured if they left and went back that this would all happen again. So they all left and two days later they went back. But nothing happened. So they all left for a month. In that month they basically fell apart and stopped hanging out. But they all made a day to go back to that house. So the day had come and they all went back to the house. They were only there for a couple of hours. They all decided that they wanted to go out and eat some food and grab some snacks and soda since they were going to be there for a while. After they ate and went shopping they went back to the house. When they got back it looked like someone had broken into the house. They walked inside and everything was trashed. So before they did anything they cleaned up the house. They did as much as possible to make it look like no one had broke in. No one thought anything of this because it happens all the time. They have had to help their other friends clean up their apartments because of a break in. So after they finished cleaning up they turned on some music. They all had invited a couple more friends that they thought were cool. It’s about 7:30 at night and they have pretty much listened to everything they own. So she suggested that they turn on the television and see whats on. So they do that. Then someone says that they have to go to the bathroom, they kind of look at each other weird. They know what happened in the bathroom. So they let their friend go to the bathroom. They don’t say anything about what happened. But she pulls a side them and tells them what she’s heard about the house and explains why she didn’t tell them sooner. All of a sudden they hear a loud scream and then a really loud thud. Everyone races up the stairs to see what happened. They open the bathroom door, to their surprise theres no blood. They take their friend down stairs and sticks a cold washcloth on her forehead. When she comes too they ask her what happened and she tells them that she saw a giant zit on her face and passed out from it (when the truth really is that she was messing around with her boyfriend and the condom broke. She took a pregnancy test and it came back positive). Everyone rolled their eyes and walked away. After all that they put the music back on. The owner of the house had a huge headache and went upstairs to lie down. Which she discovers that someone is in her room. So she opened the door and discovered that her best friend was having sex with some random guy in her bed on her sheets.
After the little run-in she decides to just go into the bathroom and lock the door. Just so that she can have some privacy from everyone else. The people downstairs realize that she is missing but someone said they saw her walk up stairs. So her boyfriend goes up and check in the bathroom, sure enough she was in there. Her boyfriend knew what had happened. He could tell by the look on her face.
He told her that it was almost 3:00 am after she asked him what time it was. She told him to go down stairs and that she would be down in a minute. Then her best friend knocked on the door and asked if everything was alright. She said yes. Then her friend apologized for what she had done. She’s just like whatever. Shit happens.
After that she walked down stairs. Everyone was listening to music again having a good time. She knew something wasn’t right. She knew that someone was missing. She just couldn’t figure out who it was. Everyone else was starting to notice too. So they left the music on and went and searched the house for their friend. Of course, Jenny new exactly who it was after a minute and figured out where they were. So she went around the house telling everyone that she knew where the missing person was and that she would go get them. She walked up the stairs and opened her bedroom door and discovered that she had been murdered. She just thought, “oh god, not again.” There was another note. This time is read, “I know you were mad about what happened in here and I took care of it.” Jenny went and showed Benji and he told her that he had no idea what that was about. She made everyone leave. Benji stayed behind to make sure that Jenny didn’t go to school. Then she called the police and demanded that they find out who did that. The police said that they would do everything in their power to figure out who did it. She didn’t give the police the note though. She thought that it was sweet in a possessed kind of way.
As the days went by she held on to that note. She wondered who wrote it. She couldn’t figure out who wrote it. She wondered if something really was haunting the house and the only reason why it didn’t kill her was because it loved her. Jenny started thinking and remembered that her x-boyfriend was murdered in this house. She wondered if it was really him doing everything. She thought that it might be him doing it.
The police said that it was a weird way that they all died, because they all died the same way. The police said they died from their insides bursting. But they said that it looked like they had just been stabbed through the heart and they bled to death. But the one girl, Lynn, it looked like she had been shot in the head but we didn’t find any bullet or anywhere that it penetrated anything in the house.
Jenny thought this over and thought then maybe it was someone in the house and that someone lied to the police. But there was no bullet. That’s the only problem. Maybe she took her own life or something and made it look like she shot herself in the head. Or tried to make it look like she shot herself in the head. Which apparently she did a good job of it. As she thought of it more she thought that it was an ice bullet that killed her. That way it looked like she got shot in the head but theres no bullet because it would melt and there would be no evidence. As she stood in front of the police, she didn’t say anything about how her friend died.
Michael, Julia, Tristen and Benji are the only ones left in the group. Benji was dating someone, but after he invited her up she died. It was Jenny’s friend that got shot in the head. Jenny was jealous of her friend that was dating Benji. Jenny never said anything about it though.
A couple of months later, Jenny told Benji that her friend had cheated on him and that she deserved to die. Benji didn’t think that she deserved to die. After that Benji was kind of creeped out by Jenny. Jenny got mad because she wanted to date him but he wouldn’t go out with her.
Later that night everyone went to Jenny’s house and had a party. As the party progressed everyone was drinking except Jenny. Benji was pretty out of it and ended up sleeping with Jenny. He thought that it was his ex-girlfriend that had died two months earlier.
Jenny wanted revenge on everyone that was at the party, because she had a flashback of what had happened before she left college and came back a whole new person.
She didn’t remember any of that until Benji said that he was going to stay behind and protect her. That was what he had said to her the same night that everyone pretty much ditched her. Then the next day at school everyone stopped talking to her and talked about her behind her back. She felt like all of her friends had stabbed her in the back. So she packed up all of her stuff from the college and moved to a different town. Then she dyed her hair, changed her name, got a nose job, the whole nine yards just so that no one would know that it was her.
So when the police arrived Jenny and Benji told them everything. Benji had sobered up a little bit before they came.

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