Sunday, January 6, 2008

Random Thoughts 30

Hey! Has anyone ever thought about the past and wished that you could go back to those days when you didn't have to worry about anything?! I know thats how I'm feeling right now. I still can't believe that everyone I know is graduated from high school and is doing there own thing. I mean I'm proud of all of my friends that know what they want to do with the rest of their lives but there are some of us who have no idea what they want to do. Some of us are pregnant or are already raising children. I miss my last days of being with old friends and reminissing about the earlier years. I know that I started to write a story about the past and it's not very well writen and I know this but it reminds me of what I use to do and now I don't do half of those things. I remember the first day that I started 6th grade. Those were fun times. But as the years went on the more bitter I got. I don't understand why people get bitter as they get older but it happeneds. I guess. I know that since my past I've learned to become very independent. I don't really rely on anyone to take care of me. I don't really rely on my mother anymore. I mean if it wasn't for her I would have starved to death and I wouldn't have had anywhere to live but I hate not being able to be on my own. But anyways.... in a song that I was listening to it talks about the old time and then the now and how life got complicated. I think thats what happeneds to everyone, Their lives get complicated and then they don't know how to deal with it.

~hearts~ me

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