Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random Thoughts 41

Hey! As a couple of you knew my husband was coming into town this weekend. I spent a little bit of time with him. We had a good time. As all of you know I have been working on my story for like ever... well only a couple of months but still, I finally finsihed it. I'll post the rest of it when I get a chance too. Probably in my next blog. I'm thinking about writing a sequal to my story, but I think that I'm going to post it first and see if I can get comments on it. Let me know if I should write a sequal or not. I want to make my story into a book but I don't know how to get it published and I don't know if I could keep up the writting. Everyone knows that I want to go to college to become a laywer, but I'm still working on finding a college to go to and to see where I'm going to be living. My husband is leaving next week to go to virgina and will be gone for a month. I don't know if I will hear from him or not. I guess I'll find out. I leave tomorrow for Ohio for at least a week. I haven't talked to a friend of mine to see if I could stay there for two weeks yet. I guess I'll find out when she gets to my moms house or something. Not a whole lot has happened. I'm spending time with my in-laws. I know. I told everyone that I couldn't stand my in-laws and whatever but they apologized to me and I apologized to them. So we're all good now. I don't have to worry about all the fighting anymore. I'm basically the one that keeps my husbands family and my family together or at least I try too. I don't know how well it's working. Probably not very well. Oh well. I guess I'm going to go.

~hearts~ me

1 comment:

Mack said...

Hey I hope that everything is being worked out and all now. It looks like it is. God we haven't talked in forever! I hope to hear from you soon and maybe I'll get to see you when I come home for a week in March. Good luck and all with with the in laws. Hearts you!