Saturday, February 9, 2008

Random Thoughts 39

Hey! It's me again. I finished part four of my story. I'm glad that some people have read all of it so far. I've been told to keep writing, and I am. I may not work on my story for a couple of days only because I'm getting writers block. I hate it when that happeneds. I should be completely done with my story by next month maybe not though. It depends on a lot of things. I totally forgot how short of a month febuaray was when I set my deadline. I want to finish my story by march but at this point in time I don't think thats going to happen. It might though. But anyways... heres part 4 of my story. Enjoy.

After everything that happened, Benji went off to college and didn’t worry about anything. He didn’t tell anyone about what he did to Alexis. He couldn’t imagine what his parents would have thought about him. Benji knew that they were mad about what Ethan had done. He didn’t know if they would be even madder about what he had done. He didn’t even know what they were thinking at that point. He didn’t want to leave home without knowing but he had to get to college and get moved in before classes started. Benji was excited about going to college. This ment new people, new classes, and a new place to live. Benji and Ethan had a plan to go to the same college but because of everything that happened Benji didn’t know if Ethan was going to go to the same college. Ethan got accepted to a couple of different colleges. Ethan didn’t know what college he was going too.
Benji couldn’t wait to get to his first class. Benji couldn’t wait to get around and do the work that he knew he had to do. He was excited about getting swamped with home work. That way he wouldn’t have to deal with anything. He wouldn’t have to think about everything that happened with Alexis and Ethan and how he killed Alexis. He didn’t really want to think about how he had killed Alexis. It still made him sick to his stomach. Benji wasn’t sure why he had ate Alexis’s body, but he did know that he had to hide the evidence. He did that very well because the police still didn’t know what happened to Alexis. They figured that she was kidnapped and who ever did it took her out of town and killed her. The police knew where there jurisdiction was and they figured that the killer knew too. So they couldn’t do anything about it. Alexis’s parents were really upset afterwards. Benji really didn’t want to think about it but that was all he could do. He still couldn’t believe he was the one that did it and that he actually got away with it.
As Benji was unpacking his stuff, he found something that Alexis had given him when they were together. It said “I will love you forever and always.” Benji decided to throw that away. He should have known that it was a lie. He should have known that his dream was going to be true. He really didn’t want to believe that his dream was real. He should have known not to trust Alexis. Benji knew that Alexis had a crush on Ethan but didn’t want to admit it. Benji saw that Alexis had a crush on Ethan since they were little. Benji thought that as they got older that the crush would go away. Benji was wrong. He had to admit though that he was jealous of Ethan. Benji always wanted Alexis to look at him like she looked at Ethan.
Benji concentrated on getting the rest of his stuff unpacked, instead of the past. Benji knew that he had to concentrate on the future. He figured that his mother got away with killing people for a long time and figured that he only killed one person. He didn’t know how his mother dealt with the pain of killing people or how she got over that she killed the one person that she loved. It wasn’t like he could ask her, she was dead. “Speaking of that” Benji thought to himself, “I should find out where she’s buried at and go see her grave and see if anyone has left anything for her.”
He figured that no one would have left anything. He knew that his birth mother, Jenny, killed off all of her friends. Benji really didn’t want to turn into his birth mother. But with the way he was thinking and what he was doing he was well on his way to becoming like his birth mother. Benji was afraid of everything. He really didn’t want to let people into his life, because if he did he was afraid of what would happen to everyone that he let get close to him. So he just had a few people that he talked too. Benji didn’t really hang out with anyone.
Benji was swapped with homework but he knew that he had to call his mom. He didn’t know if he could get everything done. He had a five page paper to write and he had three other projects to do by the next day. He knew that he shouldn’t have slacked off like he did but he couldn’t manage to get any sleep at night. Ever since he got to the dorm, he could only think about what had happened between Ethan and Alexis and what he had done to Alexis. Well Benji while still dwelling on Alexis’s demise and him needing to call his mom he decides to lay down on his bed and think on what to say to his mom and thinking on what he had done to Alexis and thinking why, while knowing yet still wondering why. Benji decided to call his mom and tell her about his grades and homework. His mom while disappointed talks about something else trying not to get angry or yell she said to him Benji try doing your work you wouldn’t believe what would happen well after Benji talked to his mom he went for a walk to ponder on what has and is happening to him and others around him especially Alexis, he still could not believe what he did to her then he began to think about his mother and how he is turning into what he hates so much. He decided to sit down on a bench that he walked by and with it being fall not freezing but small cold chills of wind. Benji closed his eyes for a few seconds catching himself trying not to fall asleep so he gets up and heads back to his dorm and of all people he runs in to Ethan and instead of spear tackling him to the ground and tearing him apart ligament by ligament Benji decided to just say “hi” and ask how things are going hoping that Ethan dose not bring up Alexis and make him act weird to make suspicions, thankfully he didn’t and left soon after his answer and I made it back to my dorm and went to bed with terrible dreams of him and his ex-girlfriends torn, body parts being puked out of his stomach. The next morning wondering how he stayed asleep through the horrific memory, with the thought of him morning the death and murder of Alexis.
Benji didn’t know what to do about the memory. He didn’t really want to talk to his mom about the memory. Benji just went to class and ignored everything that had happened. He just did his homework and didn’t think about what was going on. While he was working on his homework someone came and knocked on the door. Benji didn’t really want to answer it but he figured that it might be someone important. Benji got up to answer the door. To his surprise it was Ethan. Benji wondered why Ethan was there.
Benji asked Ethan what he was doing there. Ethan told Benji that his mom called him and asked him to check up on him. Benji didn’t think that he needed to be checked up on but Benji welcomed the company. While Benji and Ethan were talking about everything Benji was plotting to kill Ethan.

~hearts~ me

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