Friday, February 8, 2008

Part 3

After a while Benji finally realized that he had to move on with his life. He finally realized that he needed to find a girlfriend. So he did that. He knew that he had liked someone for a while from school but he didn’t know how to talk to her. Her name was Alexis. He had been friends with her for a while. Then Benji finally realized that he liked Alexis. He didn’t know how to act around her anymore. He tried to act normal but it didn’t work out too well. Alexis knew that Benji was acting weird. Every time that she tried to ask him what was up he ran from her. She wasn’t sure what was going on.
Benji went home and told his adopted parents what was happening with him and how he couldn’t talk to Alexis anymore. They thought that it was cute that he had gotten a crush on her. Benji never thought that he of all people would get a crush on his best friend. He didn’t know what to think of this. So he asked him mom and dad what he should do. They told Benji that he should ask Alexis out.
The next day at school Benji walked up to Alexis and told her that he was sorry for the way he was acting around her. Alexis asked why he had been acting like that. Benji told her the truth. He told her that he really liked her. Alexis told him that she felt the same way. Benji asked her out Alexis said yes. Benji took Alexis to the movies. She was excited to go. Benji couldn’t wait to pick her up. Alexis didn’t know what she should wear. She knew that it was a date but it was with her best friend. She didn’t know if she should get dressed up or if she should just dress the same way she always did. She called her best gal pal and asked her. Her gal pal told her that she should get dressed up a little bit. So Alexis did.
When Benji showed up to get Alexis, he didn’t know what to think about her getting dressed up. Benji didn’t know if he like Alexis’s new look or not. He just dealt with it though. He wasn’t sure if she was going to change completely. He hoped that she wasn’t going to. He told himself that if she really did change that he wouldn’t go out with her anymore. Only because he liked her the way she was.
The next day at school, Alexis asked Benji what he thought of her outfit from the night before. He told her that he didn’t really like it. Benji was glad that she was in her normal clothes again. Alexis asked Benji what he thought of what she was wearing that day. He said that it was more her than the out fit she was wearing the other night. She agreed with Benji.
Benji and Alexis went out again. Alexis dressed in her normal clothes. Benji approved of that. He really liked her outfit and everything. They went to the movies and afterwards Benji and Alexis went back to Benji’s house. His parents weren’t home. So they stayed in his room. Benji and Alexis fell a sleep. Benji had a dream about killing off Alexis because he found out that she was cheating on him with one of his best friends. He woke up in a cold sweat from it. He didn’t know what to think about it. Alexis felt Benji jump and woke up and asked him what was up. He told her it was just a bad dream.
The next day in school Benji watched Alexis. He didn’t know if the dream was true or not. So he watched her for a the next couple of weeks. Benji didn’t notice anything different about her. So he just figured that the dream wasn’t true. Him and Alexis stayed together. But secretly he watched her every move.
After a while Alexis started to notice that Benji was watching her every move. One night when they were hanging out Alexis asked Benji why he was watching her every move. He told her it was because he had a dream and didn’t know what to think of it. So he flat out asked her if she was cheating on him. She told him no. He said okay and that he would lay off of watching her every move.
After a while, Benji started to trust Alexis again. He did what he told her he was going to do.
A couple of weeks later, Alexis and Benji stopped hanging out as much as they use too. Benji didn’t think anything of it. He knew that Alexis was going to go out for the cheerleading squad and knew that she had practice all the time and by the time she was out of practice that she was going to be really tired. He knew that she wasn’t going to want to do anything. One night Benji decided to call Alexis but her mom said that she wasn’t home. He wondered where she was.
Benji figured out that his dream was true. He got really pissed off and went to go look for Alexis. He found her and asked her what she was doing. She told him that she was just hanging out with some friends from the squad. He said okay and asked her if he could stay and hang out too. Alexis said sure. She was glad that she was hanging out with friends from the squad that night.
A day later Benji figured out that Alexis really was cheating on him with his best friend. He had come home from a long day of work. Working just so that bitch can survive and he walked in on her and his best friend in his bed.
“Benji! You are home early” Alexis had shrieked. That night I broke the bathroom mirror and slit her throat while she was in the shower. Stupid fuckin bitch.
Then Benji panicked. He just killed his girlfriend, the love of his life. The body. What to do with the body? He ran out to the wood stove room and grabbed the wood chopping axe. Back in the bathroom, he viciously attacked the dead body with the axe until her organs and tissues were in little bites. Benji brutally ate the pieces until all that was left in the bath tub was blood stains. He turned the shower on and took the spray hose to wash down the walls to the shower. He looked around the bathroom and saw all of the blood spray. Shit, he thought. He sprayed the hose at the wall, soaking the bathroom. Then thoughts rushed through his head. How could he have really done that. Memories and flash backs crossed his mind. Alexis, his beautiful girlfriend and best friend was dead and he was to blame. Suddenly he felt a pain of remorse and his stomach lurched. He threw himself against the floor and vomited repeatedly into the toilet.
His life had just changed so quickly and there was nothing he could do now. He couldn’t bring Alexis back, she was in his toilet. Benji pulled a bunch of bath towels out of the cupboard closet and rubbed the walls and bathroom floors down.
“Benji” his adopted mother called. His mind raced on what to say as he heard her foot steps getting closer to the bathroom door. “Are you in there?” she asked. He told her yes and she opened the bathroom door. “What did you spill on the carpet?” Benji looked over frantically and saw that the blood had seeped out into the hallway onto his mother’s white carpet.
“I was just trying to clean that up. I was in a hurry to answer the phone and I dropped my glass of red kool-aide. I’m really sorry” Benji lied.
“Oh, I see. don’t worry about it, I got some new carpet cleaner that can get the stain out.” she looked behind him into the bathroom. “Are you sick? Is that vomit?” Benji desperately ran over and threw the seat down and flushed the toilet. “Benji, you’re sweating bullets, what’s wrong?” she asked again.
“Must have eaten something bad at work” Benji said “They passed out these ravioli’s for the workers who forgot their lunches. I was in a hurry this morning with Alexis here” Benji continued to lie.
“Oh, should I make you a Dr.’s appointment?” she asked in a motherly tone.
“No, its probably just an over night stomach bug. I’ll be fine” Benji said.
“Ok. Well I’ll go get that carpet cleaner” she said “And who called?”
“What?” Benji asked.
“You said that you were running to get the phone when you dropped the drink” she said
“Oh yeah. It was aunt Jane. She wanted to know when my birthday was.” Benji said and he wiped the sweat rolling off of his fore head with the sleeve of his shirt.
“Oh, ok. Well let me get that carpet cleaner for you” she said and went out to the kitchen. Benji slowly and cautiously walked over to the toilet and lifted the lid. There in the bowl, was one of Alexis’s blue eyeballs. Benji gasped and slammed the lid down and flushed it again. This had become a living hell.
“Here you are, dear” his mother said and she handed him the bottle of Mr. Clean. Benji took it and walked over to the carpet stain.
“Just use a wet washcloth and scrub at it with the carpet cleaner.” she said.
“Ok” Benji said and he gently poured some of the white powdery stuff on the stain. Then he used one of the wet towels and scrubbed the stain.
When you could no longer see the red mess, Benji threw all of the towels in the dirty laundry hamper and went into his room.
The burden of what he had committed carried on his shoulders for what seemed like an eternity in those few short hours in his room.
“Benji, Alexis’s parents just called. She never came home, have you seen her?” his adopted mother asked, outside his bedroom door.
“No, I haven’t seen her since I left for work this morning. Maybe she went to Ethan’s house” Benji said. Ethan was his old best friends name, before he had fucked his girlfriend on Benji’s bed. As Benji thought more about it, he got even more pissed off and the remorse slowly disappeared.
“Ok. I’ll tell her parents to check there.” his mother said and he heard her foot steps leave the bedroom door. Benji sat up in his bed and started to think up a plan on how to get his revenge on Ethan and pin the murder on him. He shouldn’t have got rid of the body, Benji bet with himself that Alexis had Ethan’s seamen was in Alexis, she was allergic to latex, so she was on birth control. Alexis and Benji had never used condoms when they had intercourse.
“Benji, the phone is for you” his mother said from outside of his bedroom door.
“Ok” Benji said and stood up. He opened the phone and she handed him the phone. “Hello?” he asked into the phone.
“Benji. I’m really sorry about what happened. Alexis’s parents just called here, they cant find her” Ethan said.
“Yea, they called here too. Are you still mad at me Benji?”
“Yea I’m still mad at you. You fucked my girlfriend, and now no one knows where she’s at. Maybe she killed herself. That would have been her best choice. I think personally.”
“Don’t say that. You know that you loved her and now you act like you don’t care at all.”
“Maybe I don’t care anymore. Maybe it was her fault that she fucked up. Actually it was her fault.”
“That’s really cold man.”
“I don’t feel like talking to you anymore. Goodbye.” Benji hung up the phone. Ethan thought that it was rude of Benji to just hang up on him. Ethan understood why Benji was mad at him though. Ethan would be mad too if Benji had done that too him.
Benji was still really pissed off at Ethan for everything that he did. Benji thought that maybe he could pin Alexis’s murder on him. He would just tell the police everything that he did to Alexis and blame it on Ethan. Benji thought this through. He figured out that it wouldn’t work and that he would end up in jail. Benji figured that he would crack under all of the pressure. He would be the one to stand up in court and tell everyone that he was the one that did killed Alexis and ate her then puked it back up in the toilet and flushed the body down into the sewers. He decided not to go to the police. He knew that the police were investigating Alexis’s disappearance. Benji was afraid that if the police started asking him questions that he would just spill everything to them. About how Alexis cheated on him and how it was with his best friend and how he killed her then ate her body and puked it all back up and flushed it down the toilet. After a while the police told Alexis’s parents that they couldn’t recover the body and they didn’t know where to start looking. Alexis’s parents told the police the last place they knew where she was, was at her boyfriends house. (Which was Benji’s house.)
The police asked Benji if he had heard from Alexis in the last couple of weeks. Benji told them no, that he hadn’t heard from her since he went to work the morning before she disappeared. The police checked out his story and it checked out.
Benji was lad that the police stopped questioning him about Alexis’s disappearance. The police started to question Ethan. Ethan told the police that he hadn’t seen Alexis for a couple of days.
After the police questioned Ethan, Benji decided to get his revenge on Ethan for sleeping with Alexis. Benji wanted to kill Ethan but with the police still looking out for who ever killed Alexis he didn’t want to risk anything.
Benji started thinking about what his parents looked like and what Ethan looked like. For some odd reason they looked the same. Benji didn’t know why he thought of this all of a sudden, Benji thought that it was weird.
While Benji was thinking about this his mother wanted to talk to him about something. While she waited for Benji to come downstairs, she knew that she should have told Benji about the child they gave up for adoption a long time a go. Benji finally walked downstairs and asked his mom what was up. She told him everything about the child that she had given up for adoption. She told him that the child they had given up was Ethan. Benji didn’t know what to think of this. He had all of these plans to kill Ethan and now his mom told him that he had a brother and that it was his best friend, that slept with his girlfriend. Benji was pissed that his parents had told him that. He didn’t know what to do now. He wanted to kill Ethan but it was his brother and now his parents knew that it was his brother all along, Benji didn’t want to kill him now.
A couple of months later everyone figured that Alexis was dead so they stopped looking for her. Benji was off the hook. He still remembered that Ethan was his brother. He wanted to kill him off so bad but couldn’t because it was his parents child. Benji was still really pissed. He went and told his parents about what Ethan had done. His parents weren’t too happy about it. They didn’t think that he would have grown up to be like that but they were wrong. Benji didn’t know what his parents thought about it. He knew that they were pissed but that was it. He wanted to know what they thought. Maybe they didn’t know what to think except for the fact that their son they had together and gave up for adoption turned out to be one of the kids that no one could trust.

1 comment:

Mack said...

dude i like that its really cool. remember to keep writing dude i love your storys.