Friday, February 15, 2008

Random Thoughts 40

Hey! I know I haven't posted anything in a while. I just got really caught up in a lot of things. I haven't really worked on my story a whole lot. I'm stuck on it. As soon as I can finish part 5 though I'll let everyone know and then you can read it.
I started a book like three days ago and now I'm hooked on the books. I know thats sad. I'm hooked on guitar hero first now I'm hooked on a book. Can my life be anymore boring? I guess not, since I haven't really written anything on here lately. My husband is back in town now. I don't know if I'll see him or not. We got into a really big fight today. Oh well. If he wants to see me then he'll come around if not, then it wasn't ment to be. Thats just how I'm looking at life right now. Like a friend of mine says "shit happens when you party naked." I basically live by that now. I think that I'm going to go so I'm not just ranting the whole time.

~hearts~ me

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