Saturday, March 22, 2008

Random Thoughts 48

Hey! I'm looking for my own place right now. Everything is good with me. For the most part anyways. I'm stressed out but I'll get over it. I'm still looking for a job. I know that I will get one. As soon as I get some pay checks I'm going to be looking for a place of my own. I won't be very far from home but I will finally be able to say that I'm living on my own and making the most out of it. I guess that in April or something I will be leaving for North Carolina. I will probably end up staying there or I will come back to New York. Depending on what happeneds with my marriage. I mean we're getting along pretty well right now but you never know whats going to happen in the future. I can't wait to get my own place. Maybe I will have a friend of mine come live with me or something. I don't know yet. My life isn't really that interesting at the moment. I will post more when I find something out.

~hearts~ me

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