Sunday, July 6, 2008

Random Thoughts 75

Hey! I'm working on a new story. I'm probably going to finish it tonight. I don't care how long I'm up working on it. I don't have a name for the story yet so if you can help me think of one then let me know. Right now I'm calling it "The Untitled". I'm not really sure where the inspiration for the story but I think that it's going to be one of my best. Maybe not though. I don't know maybe everyone will have to read it and find out. I'm excited about this story, because as some of you know I've had writters block for a couple of weeks. So now I'm just looking for something to start a spark to write a story. I found one tonight. I was going to go to bed but then I got inspired. Maybe it's because I'm reading one of my favorite books and I know that it's almost the last one of the seris. Well let me know what you think.

~hearts~ me

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