Sunday, May 18, 2008

Random Thoughts 66

Hey!Just droppin in to say hey! I can't believe this is Random Thoughts 66 already. Like seriously. I remember when I started random thoughts. I didn't have a title for one of my blogs and it was just a random bunch of stuff that I had written that day. Isn't that funny?But anyways... I was workin on a new story, until my puppies decided that they were going to chew on my power cord and completely destroy it. Thats okay though. I can just go get a new one on friday. Then I can probably start writting again. I've been writting a lot in my notebook that I have. But it's just my diary. No new stories. My husband is coming home on friday, but I have to work. I wasn't suppose too but because they were short handed I said that I would work on friday. Thats just more money in my pocket. At least I won't have too work this weekend. Anywho.... I hope that everyone is having a good day. I know that my day is getting a little better. I finally got to catch up on some sleep. But I don't think that I don't really have anything to talk about.

`hearts~ me

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