Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Random Thoughts 65

Hey! Just droppin in to say hey. Not a whole lot has been going on in my life. Just mostly work. I can't wait to get my pay check this week. Like seriously. I worked 12 1/2 hours in one day. it sucked ass but I manged. Then I had to be at work at 7:00 the next morning. So I crashed at my suporvizors house. Yea.... That was a little weird. Like seriously. Then when I went on break the next day, my mom had called. I knew I had forgotten something. I forgot to call my mom and let her know that I was staying at my suporvizors house. I felt like a dumb blonde that night. So I had called her at work. Cuz by the time I went on break she was going to be at work anyways. But then everything went okay. Well almost everything. After I got back from break something happened and it sucked. I ended up bawling but that was okay because someone I work with told me that it was going to be okay and comforted me for like the rest of the day. It was cool. So I know that when I'm at work and they are there I know that everything will be okay. As long as I can get everything done that I need too. Then something else happened and it was really weird. So I'm just thinking to myseflf.... uh.. okay this is aquakward. cuz it was. Like seriously. But everything is good now. So there is an update on my life. Pretty boring if you ask me.


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