Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RandomThoughts 100

My 100th post. I can't believe it. Well not a whole lot has been going on. Just getting ready for my husband to leave and for my birthday. My son is doing great. He's learning how to crawl. It seems like just a month a go I was trying to figure everything out. Everything is going good though. I can't believe that I'm turning 20 this year. It's been a hell of a year though. I finished out my semester in college, I had a baby, I moved over 600 miles away from my family. Now my husband is leaving for three months and I have no idea of what the rest of the year will bring. I can't believe how fast it went though. I'm in shock just thinking about it now. Hope that everyone is doing okay. Just remember keep looking on the positive side of life and everything will be good.

~hearts~ me

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