Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Last Month

As most of my friends know, my life has been hell since June. Lets start with the last week of June. Okay so the last week of June. I was finishing high school. I graduated. The day before I graduated I ended up getting married. Big mistake on my part. I was only 17. I didn't know what I was thinking. I thought. Oh I wanna get married and start a family. WRONG! I don't want to start a family. Thats what I thought I wanted. I was wrong. I mean I was just getting outta high school for crying out loud. Then I graduated. So life wasn't that bad. But because I was married I couldn't do anything. So I hung out with my husband. I forgot completely about my family and went to go hang out with him. For the first two weeks we were married I think that I saw my mom for a whole two days. Not cool. So you would think right there that I there was a problem. No, I was 17 and stupid. Then my husband left for basic training. I knew that he had to go when I got married to him. DUH! I ended up getting left behind. No big deal right? Wrong. I ended up moving back home with my mother. We got into a big fight and i moved out, moved in with my in-laws. It wasn't bad until I started to get friends. Then it was "You're cheating on your husband... blah blah blah." Whatever. Let people think what they want. Then it all stopped for a while. Then someone moved in. We became friends. While he was living there things kinda got heated between us. Yea, we fooled around but it was nothing serious right? Not what my in-laws thought. Then he ended up getting kicked outta there. So I came home to visit my mom. Then I went back to my in-laws because I was suppose to go to south carolina with them. That didn't happen. We ended up getting in a huge fight. Because supposibly I made a movie with their cam corder. It wasn't a good movie either. But I know for a fact that I didn't do it. The fight got bad enough that the cops got called. So I ended up calling my mom and telling her to come get me. Now keep in mind, i'm only 17 and have no idea what the hell is going on. Well don't really know how to deal. So I moved outta there and moved back in with my mom. Then I'm home for not even 24 hours and I get punched in the face because "I'm obseced with some girls boyfriend." I don't even like her boyfriend. I haven't been able to stand him since the last time I hung out with this kid. Right? Yea. So I ended up calling the cops on her. So I've already seen cops twice in the last 2 days, right? yea. Then the day after that is my 18th birthday. I was so excited about turning 18. But no the day of my birthday my mom and I get into a fight about everything thats been going on. Whatever. So I got to spend my birthday alone. Not a fun time. Every year on my birthday something has to go wrong. Every year it's like that. I've finally started to hate my birthday. Maybe I was just born in a bad month. The only good thing about my 18th birthday was that I got to go buy a pack of cigarettes by myself. I didn't need anyones permission and I didn't have to ask my mother to buy me a pack. Finally. and on top of that my husband found out that I want to get divorced. Isn't that convient?

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