Friday, October 5, 2007

The last Week

Well everyone heard about what happened in the last month, so to top it off here's the last week. Okay so monday I got in a fight with my in-laws (soon to be X-in-laws) but anyways... The cops got called. Then on tuesday I got punched in the face by someone. I don't like her anyways. So there were more cops involved. On my 18th birthday my mother and I got in a fight. I got to go buy a pack of cigs though. Thursday was my moms day off. I didn't really talk to anyone. Now it's friday and I got a call from my husband telling me that he's on his way home. Not really cool. So I have to face him tomorrow or something. Don't really know. Don't really care. I'm getting divorced. Anyways... Now my boyfriend is ditching me. I haven't talked to him since my birthday. Which is kinda sucky. I'm starting to think that he doesn't care about me anymore. I mean I haven't heard from him in 2 days. whatever right? So I guess that I'll try and catch him on tomorrow. I dont have a phone number to reach him at so I'll have to figure out a way to get a hold of him. I'm really worried. but yea thats been my week so far.

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