Friday, July 3, 2009

Random Thoughts 99

Hey! Well I'm finally with my husband and we're getting along okay. We've had our ups and downs already but for the most part everything is working out okay. Still trying to get use to the changes. It's been hard. I miss my hometown, but I know that I'll get to see everyone in a month or so. Still working on unpacking everything and getting everything done. We have almost everything for our apartment finally. Still working on getting some stuff. It's just a long process. My son is really liking it here. I guess. He's doing well. He has a doctors appointment on July 17th. Not really looking forward to going but he's gotta get it done. I finally figured out that the drivers around here are crazy!! like seriously. I thought that driving around my hometown was bad... that was nothing compared to down here. Anyways... gotta get some more house work done.

~hearts~ me