Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Thoughts 96

Hey! Just droppin in again to say hey. I'm just waiting for class to start. I still have another half hour until then. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant. A lot has gone on in the last couple of weeks, but it's not really something I want to post on here anyways. Well I've had a nervous break down, for personal reasons. Then I've come to school and had another breakdown. I blew up at a couple of people. Yea... being pregnant sucks!! But anyways....I don't really have a whole lot to say today. So I think that I'm gunna go.

~hearts~ me

Friday, March 13, 2009

Random Thoughts 95

Hey! Just droppin in to say hey to everyone. I'm now 30 weeks pregnant. Which is 7 months. I have finally started to gain weight. I've gained a whole 14 pounds. Umm... other than that not a whole lot is going on. I just have to watch my sugar now. I'm hoping that I can get all of my homework and stuff done and pass this semester. Anywho... I have alot of work to get done and a lot of issues to deal with so I'm gunna go.

~hearts~ me